What's Up Wednesday in November

Today I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer and all their blogging friends to talk about what we've been up to this month.  Are you ready for Thanksgiving?  This year we just have my mom and step father coming to our house for dinner so it should be a pretty low key, relaxing day and I'm really looking forward to it.

What We're Eating This Week: 

Sunday: Crustless quiche with salad

Monday: Egg salad BLT sandwiches with salad and homemade French fries/ butternut squash fries

Tuesday: Stuffed acorn squash (recipe here) with chicken and broccoli for the boys.

Wednesday: Spaghetti and sauce with garlic bread and salad.

Thursday: THANKSGIVING!  (menu here)

Friday: Unsloppy Joes with chips and vegetable sticks

Saturday: Turkey Pot Pie

What I'm Reminiscing About:  We were at Bass Pro the other week and Santa was arriving for his first visit of the season and the boys and I started talking about photos with Santa and how there were very years that one of them weren't in tears... (sorry the photos are a bit blurry but these were taken before the digital age!)

That ball mysteriously floating near Alec's elbow is in my hand; he would only stand there if I sat
right next to him and did not allow Santa to touch or talk to him.

Ian was not so sure of Santa this year and in most of the other photos Alec is completely leaning over sideways; trying to
happily squirm away

Evan was not mad so much as terrified; it was his year to grudgingly sit next to me... 

This year they were all happy and thrilled... but Evan kept taking off his shoes and trying to eat them!

Evan wouldn't even meet Santa this year!

What I'm Loving: Our family photos!  We had a family photo shoot last month and I am just loving our new pictures.  

What We've Been Up To:
Lots of hiking, a few doctor's and dentist appointments, we toured the Fire Museum, worked on some Christmas crafts, and started a few home renovation projects.

What I'm Dreading: My surgery next month; though at the same time I can't wait for it... while I am not loving the idea of surgery I really am loving the idea of getting it over with and feeling better afterwards!

What I'm Working On: Trying to finish everything up for Christmas.  I'm wrapping, getting ready to decorate on this weekend, and dropped my cards in the mail already this week.

What I'm Excited About: We're slowly changing all the wall to wall carpeting in the boys' rooms to laminate flooring and not only do I love the look it is so much easier to keep clean!  We have one room down and two more to go.

What I'm Watching/Reading: We're watching our usual round up of TV shows an added a few fun movies this month.

Peanut Butter Falcon (have you seen this heartwarming story?)

Hobbs and Shaw

Playing with Fire

The Game Changers--We're now researching a plant- based diet...

I read 6 books this month (which I shared in this post)

What I'm listening to: My boys and I are on our second book in the Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophesy 

What I'm Wearing: Lots of warm layers!  We've had some pretty chilly days.

What I'm Doing This Weekend:
Decorating the house for Christmas! We got a new pre-lit tree the day after Christmas last year and I can not wait to see what it looks like out of the box and all decorated.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
I just shared our Chrsitmas bucket list of all the fun stuff we hope to do next month.  I'm most looking forward to touring one of the Newport mansions and seeing it all decorated for Christmas.  We had such a great time touring the Elms last year.

What Else Is New:  I changed my blog mid- month.  Now Our Unschooling Journey re-directs the readers to Slices of Life!  I knew I was getting further and further away from blogging about our homeschooling life and starting to blog more about me and life in general so I needed a name change.  What do you think?


  1. I love your family pictures and my son loves Rick Riordan books too. Now I'm off to check out your book post because I love all things books :)

    1. I can honestly say I love Rick Riordan's books too as we have always listened to them together in the car and I have heard them ALL at least once (some twice). But I do enjoy most books and am not that picky.

  2. Oh my goodness your family pictures turned out SO good!!! And holy moly what a difference that laminate flooring made. Wow! The only place we have carpet left is the kids rooms and our closet. Thankfully they were old enough when we got new that it doesn't look too awful yet. Have a super Thanskgiving! You are looking so great girl!

    1. Our carpets are all 16 years old and here before we had any kids so they have held up surprisingly well (we try to never wear shoes in the house so that helps) but it was definitely time for a change.

  3. Your family pictures are beautiful! I’m not sure we’re going to get any this year and I am bummed about it! Just wait till they all get in college, so much busyness. I still need to try your stuffed acorn squash, that looks incredible! Have a very happy Thanksgiving, and you look amazing

    1. This is only the third official family photo we've ever had done and boy was it time-- all three boys still had baby teeth in our old photo! I am just loving our photos too.

  4. I love that shirt with the tie at the waist. Very cute! I would love to take the rug out of our house, especially the living room and my office!

    1. Oh thank you! I wasn't really loving that sweater.. until I saw it in the photo. It does look cute on but the knot feels a bit weird and bulky while wearing it.

  5. The family pictures look amazing!! Love the new flooring too. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you! I just loved all the pictures and had such a hard time picking just a few.


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