Friday Favorites: The Week Before Thanksgiving

We had a pretty low key week this week.  With Thanksgiving coming up and Christmas following rather closely behind this year I am trying to focus on relaxing, taking time to enjoy family and yet still getting things crossed off my to do list.  It's such a fun line we all try to walk this time of year juggling all that we should do, want to do, and need to do.

The younger boys took a break from their schoolwork Friday morning so we could go around and feed all the cats they were pet sitting for. I also offered to run over to Gamestop and let Evan buy the new video game that he was dying to get.  I just love that they have their own money for stuff like that now!

I spent Saturday morning working on a few craft projects and blog posts.  After my husband's meeting we all piled in the car and headed to Bass pro shops.  I think we had one of quickest shopping runs there ever and were in and out of the store in under 20 minutes.  It was pretty crowded with families waiting for Santa's arrival.  We walked over to Olive Garden for dinner and had a whole little alcove room to ourselves.

After grocery shopping first thing Sunday morning, I spent most of the day in the kitchen.  I put all the groceries away, threw together a casserole, cut up all the fruit for the week, made a salad, and cut up some squash fries for dinner.

Monday morning my husband headed to the airport for his flight to North Dakota; the below freezing temperatures made me doubly glad I decided not to accompany him this time.  The boys finished up their schoolwork early and we decided to send the rainy afternoon at the movie theater to see Playing With Fire. It was so funny!

Tuesday was another cold and rainy day and other than Alec's karate class we stayed in.

On Wednesday I packed the boys up as soon as the schoolwork was done and we headed out to get some x-rays done that Alec's doctor recommended... only to drive 45 minutes there and find out that the hospital we had been directed to no longer has the machine to help us!  It was so aggravating.  We headed to Outback Steakhouse for lunch and then meandered through Home Depot picking out new flooring samples for their rooms instead.  My husband arrived home safely from his trip and Alec and I were still (barely) awake to greet him.  He brought me home some Dot's pretzles (which you might remember from this post that it was a favorite of our vacation).

We headed out early Thursday morning to meet some friends of ours for a hike.  It was so nice to wake to clear skies! I gave the boys the day off from school since we wouldn't have had time to do schoolwork before our hike and by the time we arrived home it was lunch time and we had a busy afternoon/evening planned too.  We stopped for some more apples and each of the boys got a freshly made cider donut; they smelled so good! We had all sorts of overlapping appointments in the afternoon and evening and ended up eating dinner in shifts.


  1. So sweet of your man to bring home Dot’s pretzels, I have them for the first time in Texas a few weeks ago and they are so yummy. I really want to see that movie, it looks funny! Have a wonderful weekend

    1. It was so sweet of him; I didn't even think of having him bring me home anything.

  2. Yes, this is definitely the calm before the "storm" of celebration.
    But I'm really looking forward to it!

  3. Looks like a great week. Those pretzels sound good (so do the cider doughnuts!!).

  4. Sometimes restaurants can be SO loud, so how nice to have your own alcove to sit and enjoy dinner at. Those pretzels sound good! As do those apple cider doughnuts! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I think this one would have been very loud if we hadn't had our own "room" as it was packed!

  5. What a lovely week. I love the smell of cider donuts. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I love that smell too; it's been so hard going every other week to grab a bag of apples and not buy a donut!

  6. I know I've said it before, but I just love your shadow boxes.

    1. Thank you! I made this one as a birthday gift for my sister and she loved it.


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