What's Up Wednesday: October Edition

Today I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer and all their blogging friends to talk about what we've been up to this month.  Are you all ready for Halloween?  This is the first year that none of my boys want to dress up and go Trick or Treating.  My youngest asked if we could just buy him his favorite snacks and watch a movie together so that's what we're going to do!
Let's dive right in!

What We're Eating This Week: 

Sunday: Italian herb marinated chicken with squash casserole and roasted green beans

Monday: Pesto pasta with veggies & chicken tenders with salad

Tuesday: Hamburger Soup

Wednesday: Homemade pizzas with salad

Thursday: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  We're having chicken fajita chili, cornbread and will be eating lots of yummy snacks while watching Hocus Pocus.

Friday: Mediterranean fish casserole with baked potatoes

Saturday: Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and some sort of vegetable.

What I'm Reminiscing About: The Halloweens of yesteryear... look how tiny they were!


Evan's 1st Halloween



What I'm Loving: My mom introduced me to these new yogurts called Two Good and they're all just 2 points on Weight Watchers.  It took me a few containers to get used to the thick Greek yogurt but I love just the touch of sweetness they have.

What We've Been Up To: Lots and lots of hiking and a whole bunch of schoolwork.

What I'm Dreading: Ian has to have all of his wisdom teeth removed and my doctors are talking about surgery for me.  I'm not looking forward to either one even though it will be so nice to have them behind us (and hopefully I will feel so much better after my surgery).

What I'm Working On: I'm trying to get uber organized for Christmas so that if I am down and out a week or so I won't be totally behind schedule.  I already made my cards and have started on a few crafts.

What I'm Excited About: Thanksgiving! I just LOVE it!  It is one of my all time favorite holidays and even though I'm going to have to try and revamp a few of our favorite recipes I am still looking forward to lots of yummy food.

What I'm Watching/Reading: In addition to all our regular fall shows my husband and I have started watching Outlander and also watched El Camino on Netflix. My husband took me to see Downton Abbey earlier this month too and I was so thrilled to see some of my favorite characters on the big screen.

I read another 6 books this month and while I can't say any one of them stuck out as being super fantastic reads I did enjoy What Happens in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand.

What I'm listening to: After trying to listen to a Halloween book on Cd in the car (that none of us enjoyed), my boys and I decided to start listening to the Trials of Apollo again.  We had listened to the first two or 3 books in the series but never finished with book 4 and now we've forgotten a lot of the details so we're going to head back to beginning and listen to them all.

What I'm Wearing: Long sleeves, pants, and layers!  We have pretty cool mornings and evenings but most days it's pretty nice for mid- day (as long as it's sunny).

What I'm Doing This Weekend:
Unfortunately we'll be attending a memorial service on Saturday.  We just spent this past weekend shopping for clothes to wear to it; between my husband and I we have lots a total of 90+ lbs and nothing we own fits just right.  We now have lovely new duds to wear.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
Decorating for Christmas!  My decorations usually go up the day after Thanksgiving.

What Else Is New:
Other than the tons of new fall fashions I've been buying we don't have much new going on over here at all.


  1. Loving the hiking! I've heard good things about that yogurt. I really like your embroidery hoop crafts! I also love that sweatshirt you're wearing in the first picture of your outfits. Hope the memorial service isn't too hard!

    1. Thank you. I think the memorial service will be Ok; she did live to a nice 98! You can't be upset about that.

  2. The pizza looks so yummy! And I really like your blouse with the embroidery on the sleeves. Been a busy month here too.

    1. Thank you! I debated so long about buying that blouse. I found it on vacation and it was more than I typically spend on clothes for myself.. I walked away. But the next day I was still thinking about it and my husband insisted I at least try it on. Turns out I have worn that shirt so much in the last 3 years and it has held up so well!

  3. Wisdom teeth and a surgery...no fun! Hope the holidays give you something to look forward to despite those two events. I love all the Halloween pics!

    1. Yep, no fun at all.. but I am hopeful we can get it all done between/ around the holidays without missing them.

  4. I hope all the surgeries go well and I'm sorry you have to attend a memorial this weekend. Thinking of you...

    And my son is all about the Rick Riordan books right now.

    1. Thank you! My boys just love anything by Rick Riordan. My middle son is listening to the Percy Jackson series for the 3rd or 4th time through. They just can not get enough of his books.

  5. I am sooo loving all the throwback photos from halloween!!! I hope surgery goes well. That is always though.

  6. Fun that your guys wanted to just hang out as a family for Halloween. That's what we did too.

    1. It was fun but they really didn't like Hocus Pocus so we'll have to try a different movie next year.


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