Friday Favorites-- Our First Week Of School

We had a pretty good week this week.  I am coming down with a cold and just know I am going to end up passing it along to everyone else in the house.  I hope they too only suffer with mild symptoms like I've been experiencing.  We managed to touch upon every single subject this week (except for history which is on the plan for today) and I'm still tweaking our schedule a bit as some days the work load seems quite heavy.  Overall it was a really good week though.

It was so beautiful out on Friday and I convinced my boys to pack lunches and we headed to Bluff Point for a fun afternoon hike.  We had beautiful views and enjoyed watching the planes and helicopters land and take off at the nearby private airport.  We also saw lots of big boats out on the water and ended our day with our first ever Dairy Queen trip.  We enjoyed some tasty Blizzards!

Saturday morning Ian headed off to work with his grandfather and my husband and I took a drive to the other end of the state to pick up a "new" (to us) Ranger for helping out around the yard.  We also headed out for a much needed date night and he took me to see Downton Abby! I've been dying to see it and it lived up to all the hype.

I spent most of Sunday doing laundry.  I also started prepping for our week of school.  We've decided to use a baking book for Alec's "science" requirement this year and I made sure to read through the first section and come up with some comprehension questions.  My husband, Evan and I spent the afternoon going through the woods on the Ranger clearing the trail from trees and debris.  We stopped by to help my parents winterize their camper and invited them over for dinner.

We had a great first day of school on Monday.  All three boys were completely done with their schoolwork in just under an hour!  We always start with a lighter day of school and only tackled some math, reading, grammar, & spelling (for Evan)/ foreign language (for the older boys).  We then sat and looked through the Walt Disney World website; deciding what we want to see and ride while we're there so I can plan how many days of park tickets to buy.  We headed to the bank and then met up with our hiking group to hike at a new place called Pixie Falls.

While Alec was at karate on Tuesday I took Evan to buy some new shoes and we picked out some birthday gifts for a couple of family members that have birthdays coming up soon.  We had a light day of schooling and finished up in no time-- each of the boys worked on math, reading, spelling/foreign language, cursive (for Evan), and Study skills guide (for the older two boys).  It was a rainy day so we spent our afternoon watching TV and relaxing.

Wednesday it was raining again and we were staying inside all day so we had a long day of schooling planned.  Alec made up his Amish friendship bread and divided the rest of the mix into bags to share with some friends.  I used up the last of our bananas to make some banana muffins.  The boys all worked on math, writing, science (for the older two boys-- I still haven't decided what to focus on for Evan!), spelling/foreign language, and reading.  We cleaned all the bathrooms and did lots of laundry too.  Evan headed out in the afternoon with his grandmother for his annual birthday shopping and dinner and the rest of us enjoyed some zero point WW taco soup and began cleaning out the basement.  We need to make room to store all that new patio furniture we bought this year!

We had plans to hike on Thursday as soon as we finished our schoolwork. The boys all worked on math, reading, writing/ grammar, and spelling/ foreign language.  Then just as we were heading out the door it began to rain.  We decided to skip our hike and head to the apple orchard instead.  We picked up some apples and cider and headed back home for lunch.  Alec baked up a Toll House pie for the party we were having later that night and I worked on my blog.

Just look how flaky that homemade crust is! He rolled it out so thin.  


  1. You guys have so many great places to hike. We have nice wooded hikes here, but not the views you have. I pinned your post too. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you! We do have lots of nice places to hike with great views.

  2. What a great first week. My son is only taking about 2 hours for school each day. I sometimes wonder if he is doing enough, but he really does get lots done and he isn't college bound so he doesn't need to do tons of papers. It is always a relief to see that others get their work done quickly too. I don't know how you stay on a diet with all of that wonderful food in your house!
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I don't think we spent much more than that for any one child to complete their work; it's when they all need my help and I have to spread out their work in order to get around to helping them all. My oldest swears he will never go to college so I try not to pile too much extra paperwork on him either but I do want him to be prepared enough that if he changes his mind it's still a possibility. This week I can't taste much so other than the amish friendship bread that I am trying not to devour the other stuff isn't really tempting me.

  3. Love the photos of your chefs in training!
    And we're just now getting our schedule down to where I feel as if I know what to expect on any given day...

  4. Beautiful photos and everything looks so delicious!! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. Thanks! I'm told the muffins and pie were really good but I didn't try them.

  5. I can always count on you to bring us yummy food and beautiful views! You live in such a beautiful area! Have a great weekend, enjoy it all!

    1. Absolutely! We love hiking and trying new recipes.

  6. Beautiful nature shots! It is so nice to see the boys baking!

    1. My middle son loves to bake; he's trying to get into a culinary arts school for high school. I love watching him try out new recipes and gain in confidence.

  7. The hikes you took look amazing! And all the baking! How fun!

    1. We really do have lots of beautiful places around to hike and we try to hike as often as the weather allows.

  8. Sounds like a great week. I love all the hiking pictures. The taco soup looks so good!

    1. That taco soup was a new family favorite and it was so easy too!

  9. I'm always impressed with how much you do in a week, and your son's cooking abilities. He's gonna make one lucky woman very happy someday.

    1. I am often impressed with how much we accomplish too! Funny but until I wrote this up I hadn't felt like we did much this week.


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