September Pinterest Challenge-- No Bake White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

Alec has continued working on tackling a new "baking" project each week and has been making so many delicious things for us to try.  He's been dying to make a decadent cheesecake recipe so he picked out a recipe and we went shopping for ingredients.

The day he was going to make the cheesecake I asked him a question about how long he was going to need to bake it for. When he couldn't find that answer in the recipe I asked to see it and just had to laugh; it was another recipe for a no bake cheesecake!  I think he was a bit disappointed but this no-bake cheesecake was more involved than the others we've made through the years and I told him we could always try a more traditional recipe another time.

He used this pin and followed it right to the original recipe.  Following the recipe exactly he had a very yummy dessert when he was done.. though as you'll see from the photos below it did not set up nearly as nicely as the pinned image and we have no idea why not.

He started by preparing the graham cracker crust in the springform pan.

 He set that aside and mixed up the raspberry topping. Making sure to let it cool completely before the final step.

In the stand mixer he whipped up the cream cheese, heavy cream, and melted white chocolate.

He then washed the raspberries and inspected them before putting them into the bottom of the pan.

He topped the fresh raspberries with the cream cheese mixture and then spooned on some of the raspberry topping; swirling it around to make a pretty decoration on top.

We let the cheesecake sit in the fridge for 6 hours and it was a mess when we cut into it.  We all ate our cheesecake with a spoon.

I tried to get a photo of a "good" slice the next morning (at which point the cheesecake had been in the fridge for over 16 hours) and as you can see it was still pretty runny.  It was a delicious recipe but I have no idea how the original pin looked so good and firm.

It took another full 24 hours in the fridge before we got a slice that mostly kept it's shape.

I started thinking about all the varieties we could try-- strawberry, blueberry, peach, etc.  The possibilities are endless.

Let's meet this month's Pinterest Challenge hosts!
Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop

To join next month's #pinterestchallenge, click here to sign-up ⇒ October Pinterest Challenge

 Now, let's see what the other hosts have created ⇓⇓


  1. Even if it didn't set, it still looks good. Maybe he could try freezing it for an hour to see if it keeps the shape better?

    1. It did still taste great and that's probably all that matters. The freezer might have worked but I think it would have changed the texture.

  2. I really need to make cheesecake. This looks really good.

  3. Sometimes recipes just don't cooperate! Regardless of it not setting well, it looks delicious!

  4. It's funny isn't it, sometimes things just don't work out quite right no matter how careful you are. My mum and my nan used to follow identical cake recipes and they always tasted just a little different! Go figure! It looks delicious though which is the main thing!

    1. That's so true; I think (even unknowingly sometimes) we all add our own flair to all recipes.

  5. It tastes the same either way. It looks delicious which is great for families, the only problem it really causes is for us bloggers. White chocolate and raspberry, sounds amazing together.

  6. I am sure your cheesecake tastes amazing even if it didn’t behave for the photos! Yummy!

  7. Definitely looks delicious! Maybe add a little vanilla pudding next time - that should keep it together.

  8. I love cheesecakes of any type and I'm sure this one is yummy, too! Lots of wonderful ingredients!

    1. I have yet to find a cheesecake I don't like too!

  9. This looks delicious! I love anything raspberry, so I will definitely be trying this out!

  10. I would never turn down any cheesecake! Grab a spoon!

  11. Oh, wow! Raspberries with White Chocolate? That sounds and looks delicious! Well done, Alec! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  12. Momma always said "It's the finger that stirs the pot". I don't know but even though it may not have kept the shape is still looks yummy. All cheesecakes are good. That must be a rule.

  13. Even if it was runny it looks delicious. Keep cooking, Alec!

    1. Oh he is for sure. He already had a few projects planned for this week.


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