What's Up Wednesday-- August

Today I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer and all their blogging friends to talk about What's Up.   Schools officially started back here this week but my boys and I are extending our summer vacation this year for at least another couple of weeks.  September is right around the corner and while I know it will bring the coming of fall I am still trying to soak up all that summer fun and sun.

Let's dive right in!

What We're Eating This Week: This week is pretty much up in the air as far as what we'll be eating.  We have lots of family fun planned and while I stocked up on foods and planned a few meals we'll mostly be playing it by ear each and every day.  Tonight we're having my family over for a cookout of burgers, hot dogs, salads, and chips.

What I'm Reminiscing About:  As this year's family vacation approaches I've been reminiscing about our old vacations-- especially last year's trip to Niagara Falls.  This year we're hoping to incorporate lots of outside & hiking time with sight seeing too.

What I'm Loving: These warm lazy days by the lake, reading a good book.

What We've Been Up To:
We've had a pretty quiet month hanging pretty close to home.  We had some friends over, tried a few science experiments, made some fun shirts, tried out some new recipes, and took a few hiking trips when the weather cooled off just a bit.  We went to pick some fresh blueberries and peaches and enjoyed an outing to Gillette's castle with some friends of ours.

What I'm Dreading: Honestly?! I'm dreading starting back to school.  I feel so much pressure with one boy homeschooling high school and the other preparing to head off to high school next year.  I need to write up transcripts and find out what we need to do to qualify Alec for the program of study he's interested in... make sure they stay on track and don't fall behind this year.  I'm sure it's all in my head but this feels like we're in the big league now.

What I'm Working On: I'm trying to blog ahead since I'll be busy with family this week and I want a few extra posts all ready to go for when we're on vacation but I am slowly running out of blogging ideas!  That happens now and again and I may just end up taking a full week off to rest and recharge... we'll see.

What I'm Excited About: My sister arrives this morning with her two boys for a week long visit and I just can not wait to see them!  It's been almost a year since my mom and I surprised her at her new home in North Carolina and I have missed her so much.

What I'm Watching/ Reading:
  I'm watching lots of "new" shows.  Right now I am often torn between watching more of Brothers and Sisters or Hart of Dixie.  I've also watched a few episodes of the OC and my husband and I started watching Better Call Saul.

I'm currently finishing up my 9th and final book of the month; a cute little chick lit called Under the Table.  You can read about the other books I read this coming Saturday.  I had a great month of reading mixing up some historical fiction, a few beach reads, and even a non-fiction/ travel book. 

What I'm Listening To: The sweet, sweet, sound of silence.  As summer draws to a close my boys spend more and more time sleeping and hiding out in their rooms so I have quiet long mornings all to myself.

What I'm Wearing: Our weather has been all over the place this month.  Some days it's super hot and muggy and other days we can feel that hint of fall.

Sweater / Jeans 

Shirt/ pants / similar shoes 

shirt / shorts/ shoes

Shirt/ pants/ shoes

What I'm Doing this Weekend: We have a family birthday party this weekend but I tend to think the rest of the time we'll be hanging out at my house with much of my family visiting with my sister.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: We have a family vacation planned to see Mt. Rushmore and a whole bunch of other states/ sites and I just can not wait!  Though I am dreading the actual flight as I really do not like travel itself.

What Else is New: Nothing! 


  1. Always enjoy these sum ups! It is nice to get a peek in other mom's lives! Our weekend will be full of birthday celebrations: we are going to go gem panning for my oldest's birthday (13) and then having a birthday bash with the rest of the family on labor day. (2 other big birthdays this month). Also planning to hit the pool and go down the river with some friends!

  2. So fun that your sister is coming! Also exciting you are going to Mt. Rushmore. Are you going to be near me in KC? :)

    1. I can not wait! As I sit here typing this I know they have landed and must be on their way here. :) I think the closest we're getting to KC is flying home out of Omaha airport so not quite close enough!

  3. Reading by the lake looks divine!!! Isn't Niagara Falls awesome?! I need to do more around there since we are they a lot visiting my fiancé's family. You are going to love Mt. Rushmore!! What a great time to go!!

    1. We were hoping for mild temperatures and low crowds. We love travelling in the fall.

  4. We're starting school a week later than usual, and I'm fine with that. Summer is just too short, and this is my youngest guy's senior year. I'm going to work hard not to stress out over that and over the transition I see on the horizon...

    1. Summer went by so fast this year! We had such a rainy June and August has been quite cool that is already feels like fall.

  5. Mt Rushmore and Yellowstone are on my travel bucket list! It sounds like you've had a nice, quiet end to your summer.

    1. We have had a nice quiet summer all around. It's been wonderful.

  6. Your trip to Niagra Falls was amazing. That has been on my bucket list forever!

  7. You always have so much family fun. I watched "Brothers and Sisters" back in the day and enjoyed it.

    1. We do try to squeeze in as much family fun as possible; I know they'll all be grown and gone in no time.


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