Shows I Love to Binge

Today we're looking at ALL the shows I love to binge watch.  It's funny my husband and I hemmed and hawed for years about cutting the cable cord and going with Netflix, Hulu and Amazon and yet I just LOVE it!  

I love no commercials, I love getting to watch episode after episode so I don't have to hang on with cliff hangers.  It's great.  

While I love to binge I won't typically re-watch a show once I've watched it in it's entirety.  Some shows I love so much I watch in just a few short weeks and other shows I watch here and there as I'm waiting to find that next show that I just can not get enough of. 

All the shows listed today are ones I've watched recently and while I have many shows I watch on a week to week basis I am always looking for new ones to watch. 

1.  Cougar Town (Hulu)--  Courtney Cox is a real estate agent living with her son in Florida.  Her house is always filled with her neighbors, ex- husband, and assorted other characters and they are a cute and quirky bunch of friends.  (most of the FRIENDS cast makes a guest appearance at some point or other too and I just loved that).

2.  Brothers and Sisters (Hulu)-- I'm only on like episode 3 or 4 of this show but so far I am loving it!  It reminds me just a bit of Parenthood with all the family dramas and dynamics.  The Walker family struggles to hold onto their family business after the death of their father.  

3.  Breaking Bad (Netflix)-- When Walter, a struggling chemistry teacher, finds out he has cancer he goes a little wild and decides to start cooking meth to raise money to leave behind for his family.

4.  Mr.  Iglesias (Netflix)-- Comedian Gabriel "Fluffy" Inglesias is a high school teacher fighting for his kids in a school district that is fighting to stay afloat.  

5. Hart of Dixie (Netflix)-- Zoe Hart is all set to become a surgeon in New York City when her life falls apart.  Following a job lead, she finds herself in Bluebell, Alabama working as a general practitioner in a small country town.   In one week I already managed to watch an entire season!

6.  Veronica Mars (Hulu)-- Veronica is in high school and her father is a private eye.  Veronica often finds herself helping out solving simple cases for her father all while trying to unravel a really big mystery that had turned her life upside down.  

As a family we are enjoying:

1.  Celebrity Family Feud (Hulu)-- While some of the question can be a bit risqué my boys and I are enjoying watching this fun version of Family Feud. 

2.  America's Got Talent (Hulu)-- This talent show it so much fun!  

3.  Malcolm in the Middle (Hulu)-- I was looking around for something else we could all watch together as a family and I thought this might appeal to my boys.  A dysfunctional family of 4 (and eventually 5) rambunctious boys told from the perspective of Malcolm, the middle son who tested at a genius level.  

4. American Housewife (Hulu)- Katie Otto is an American housewife trying to raise her family in a very wealthy area of Ct; Westport.  Katie doesn't fit in with all the other "perfect" housewives and moms and she's rather proud of that fact. 

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  1. I used to watch Cougar Town and Hart of Dixie. I enjoyed them for a while but wasn't really hooked.

    1. I have quite a few shows like that-- I like 'em but don't feel like I HAVE to watch them.

  2. Haven't watched any of those, but have had a hard time keeping up with the few series I watch lately.

    1. It can be hard to find the time to watch TV; most of the time I'd much rather read or work on my blogging so TV gets pushed to the back burner.

  3. I feel like i need to rewatch some of these! American housewife has been on my list for a while!

    1. My middle son started watching American Housewife with me just last year and had not seen any of the earlier episodes so we all went back and started watching from season 1 together.

  4. I always wanted to try Cougar Town and it seemed to be a hit, so I really need to add this to my list.

    1. I thought it was a really cute show; a little wacky but fun and light.

  5. I miss Cougar Town! I loved that show and I was so sad when it ended! I need to go back and binge that again.

  6. I keep wondering if I should watch Brothers and Sisters!

    1. I'm only on like the third episode but I can already tell I am going to enjoy it.

  7. I have heard really good things about Hart of Dixie - It's on my list for sure now!

  8. Oh, I loved Heart Of Dixie and Veronica Mars. Good picks.

  9. I haven't seen any of these (except a few eps of America's Got Talent)! I'm probably in the minority for not having seen Breaking Bad. Cougar Town sounds fun! I've recently binge-watched Ozark, Chef's Table, Kaminsky Method, and now I'm watching Shtisel (not for everyone, but I find it fascinating).

    1. I really enjoyed the Kaminsky Method! But I cold not get into Ozark.

  10. Most of these shows are new to me.
    The description of Veronica Mars reminds me of the Nancy Drew books I read as a kid.

    1. It does remind me a bit of Nancy Drew! Except Veronica picks up cases from her own father's office.

  11. Thank you for sharing at #ThursdayFavoriteThings. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too!


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