Friday Favorites- Nantucket Trip!

We had a great week but the highlight, for me, was finally getting to see Nantucket!  My husband and I took a little weekend trip to Cape Cod and Nantucket and even though it was during a major heat wave we had a wonderful time.

Friday Alec had a dentist appointment and the cat had a vet appointment.  We were busy running errands, cleaning the house, and getting ready for the weekend.  Alec had no cavities or issues and the cat actually has gained a bit of weight back so we had good news all around.

My husband and I headed out right after breakfast on Saturday morning for the cape.  We had reservations to stay overnight in West Yarmouth and then take the ferry on Sunday to Nantucket.  It was HOT! But we had a great time.

Ian headed off to work on Monday too (after working most of the weekend as well) and the younger boys and I ran up to Home Depot to get a new faucet.  Our kitchen faucet had been leaking and needed replacing.  We also looked at some new flooring ideas for the basement.  It was a pretty rainy  day so we spent most of it inside; though the boys did go out and swim together for a bit in the rain.

After dinner Alec helped install the new faucet.  Watching my husband patiently teach the boys any skills is always a favorite!

Tuesday I had a few errands to run but caught the last 30 or so minutes of Alec's karate class.  It's so much fun to watch him since he clearly enjoys his class so much.  It poured most of the day so we spent the rest of the day at home watching TV.

We had plans to go to a friend's house on Wednesday and swim in their pool.  Ian headed off to work with his grandfather and spent the afternoon tubing around the lake instead.  The younger boys and I had the best time!  We hung out for over 4 hours and the kids swam, played in their playroom, picked raspberries (and ate them), and got all caught up with one another.

We didn't have much planned on Thursday.  I was hoping to get a couple more science experiments done so we can get closer to finishing up our 100 Days of Science and Ian was heading off to work.  After little debate we decided to the science experiments without him.  Frixion markers and pens erase using heat so we used the hair dryer to erase our pictures and the freezer to bring them back!  We also made sediment layer jars using various materials found around our yard.

How was your week?


  1. How fun! I want to go there so bad. You are having one great Summer! Happy Weekend

    1. I found myself wishing we had more time to explore; we could not believe how fast the time flew by on Nantucket!

  2. Nantucket must be a lovely place! I was recently in Boston and I felt so bad for not having time to visit it.

    1. I really loved it a lot. Boston is one of my favorite cities but Nantucket had that same feel to it with a much more laid back vibe. I can see why so many authors and rich and famous people pick it for a summer retreat.

  3. Nantucket looks lovely! I love those wonderful coastal towns with the quaint building!! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. I went to Nantucket as a kid and didn't appreciate it at all! I'd love to go back but I also hate ferries, lol. I figured out that Frixon pens erase with heat the hard way, by accident! But I didn't know you could recover them with the freezer!

    1. They don't recover completely; when they come back they're a bit faded but at least it's not completely erased.

  5. Nantucket is on my bucket list. I cannot wait to visit too.
    Happy weekend,

    1. It was on my bucket list too! I was so happy to cross it off but now that I've been there I definitely want to go back.

  6. What a fun week. Those raspberries look perfect! And delicious!

    1. They were amazingly perfect looking. I could not believe it.

  7. Oh, how I love Nantucket! Being from New England, anything that screams "CAPE" totally gets me in the summer spirit. Also, those Frixon markers are so cool! I need to get some!

    1. Definitely! I grew up spending summers on the cape.

  8. Nantucket has been on my list forever! Well really the whole Northeast has. I love seeing your pictures!!!

    1. Mine too! It's only 3-4 hours away from where I grew up but we had never made it out there.

  9. Those Nantucket homes are gorgeous!

    1. They are amazing! And the real estate prices reflect that... LOL.

  10. Loved the pen and sediment projects! Those looked so fun!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



  11. Thank you for sharing that little glimpse of Nantucket - it looks beautiful!! Would love to visit there myself. Great job on the faucet, and those frixion pens are really neat!

    1. It was beautiful (expensive! but beautiful).


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