My Not So Secret Talents

I almost didn't participate in the Share Your... link up this month because I wasn't really all that sure about what to share.  I don't think of myself as having many or even secret talents.  I'm crafty and artistic and have dabbled in most every form of art throughout my life and while I am moderately talented in most areas nothing really stands out as MY TALENT!  It made choosing a life path just a tiny bit tricky... there were so many things I enjoyed doing and was pretty handy at most of them but no one thing stuck out above the rest.

I've always thought of myself more as a Jack of all trades (or a Jill of all trades if you will)..

I began taking art lessons at a very young age with my grandmother and older sister and became quite comfortable with paint and canvas; even keeping up my painting well into college.  I toyed with the idea of becoming a children's art teacher but was talked out of it by a few guidance counselors and teachers.  I have several of my works framed and shown throughout the house.

When we built our house I turned those skills into painting little touches all around the house including personalized murals for all the boys' nurseries and rooms.

For Ian's room I hand painted cat tails and stamped frogs, butterflies, and dragonflies all around.

Evan's room had a barn and farm animal theme.

Alec had a jungle mural on one wall that he kept well until his 8th or 9th birthday!

I also taught myself to re- purpose and re-decorate things we found into beautiful and functional pieces around the house watching some DIY shows.  I had also debating about following an interior design career in college.  I took these two old ratty chairs and turned them into something quite functional that we've reupholstered a few times and are still using in our bedroom today.

I had quite an interest in fashion in high school and since my mom was a talented seamstress we worked together to make my prom and semi-formal dresses.  I debated for a bit about going to school for fashion design.  We even toyed with the idea of making my wedding dress but realized that was probably going to be more stressful than fun.  I looked so forward to making cute little dresses for a daughter one day but ended up with all boys and while I enjoyed sewing it seemed like more work than it was worth to make tiny pants and t-shirts they were going to stain in mere minutes.  I still have a sewing machine and other than a few alterations rarely use it anymore.

My junior prom dress was a strapless drop waist dress; the front stopped at the knees and the back went to my 
ankles so I played that up with a white lining.  We had a white bow in the back with tails that were long enough to reach the end of the dress.

My senior semi-formal dress was green velvet with pearl trim and we
 found matching ribbon to make a criss-cross backing.

My senior prom dress was designed off a knee length dress pattern we had.  We lengthened it,
made it out of deep blue satin and used rhinestone strapping for that added touch.

I do make other cloth gifts and crafts though; I enjoy making fleece pillows, blankets, and scarves.  I used a tank top to make a cute little hand bag.. things like that.

Around the time I was moving out on my own a friend had been invited to a Stampin' Up party and dragged me along.  One class and I was hooked on paper crafting.  I began making all my own cards and it naturally segued into scrapbooking.  I even became a Stampin' Up demonstrator for quite a few years.

Some of my favorite scrapbooking pages are from our many Disney trip and even our Sesame Place trips from when the boys were so little.

I always loved helping out in the kitchen and took over cooking dinner for our family at a pretty young-ish age.  I was well prepared with lots of recipes by the time we got married.  I loved experimenting with new foods and recipes but had always shied away from baking.  Then I inherited a cake decorating set and took off making some truly fun cakes when the boys were little!

I made a really amazing 3-D pirate ship cake and a few other cakes for friends and family too (I distinctly remember some monkey cakes that while fun and also 3-D were quite stressful to make!).

I often make fun foods for the family or parties too.  We've had snowman, candy cane and even a BB8 pizza, we've made watermelon and fruit salad baskets and monsters, etc. I loved making themed food and snacks to go along with each kids' birthday party when they were growing up.

I put most of my hobbies on hold when the boys were little as all my time was consumed and it's only been in the last few years that I've started getting back into doing crafty things.  I enjoy making wreaths of all kinds for our front door and have been working with my Cricut to embellish clothing, drinking glasses, wall hangings, and just about every other surface I can think of.

Vinyl on wood blocks

Iron on vinyl on fabric

On plastic, metal, and glass

How about you?  Do you have any hidden (or not so hidden) talents?


  1. You're so creative. Those paintings are beautiful. I especially love that first one of the pond and wildflowers. I'm taking a water color class with a friend and we're having a lot of fun with it, but ugh... I won't be framing any of mine, lol.

    1. Oh thank you! I painted that one in high school and my art teacher was so proud she bought the frame for me! She was such a sweet, sweet lady and by senior year I was in her class upwards of three times a day.

  2. Wow, you have creativity oozing out of you in all direction!

  3. Wow! That's a lot of talent for one gal! Your paintings are beautiful!!

  4. Wow, you are very talented! I consider myself crafty, but your skills are much more advanced. The paintings are amazing!

    1. Aw, thanks. I inherited my grandmother's painting caddy and her easel and would love to get back into it... but it's almost like I forgot where to start.

  5. Wow! You certainly are very creative - in so many ways! Your paintings are fab - you should offer your services as an interior designer painter!

    1. I did think of it; I had so much fun drawing out and painting the boys' murals.

  6. WOWSA! That is a serious list! You are multi talented FOR SURE! The paintings are fantastic! Seriously awesome! Annster's Domain

  7. Oh my goodness, you're so talented! I'm always especially impressed with people who can sew or crochet or knit or do anything at all with fabric. I'm positively TERRIBLE at all of those things and I just can't be good at it no matter how hard I try. It just baffles me to see someone make their own dress like that!

    1. I know what you mean; my sisters and mom are knitting and crocheting geniuses but I can not get my hands to figure out what to do. Sewing is much more my speed (as long as I have a pattern and instructions.. and my mom's help with things like zippers).

  8. Loved all your wonderful creations!!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your well wishes!!

  9. Oh, my goodness! You ARE talented. I love all of your varied artistic interests. Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home. --Jennifer

  10. Congratulations! This post will be featured this week at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home. Be sure to stop by on Thursday to see it. --Jennifer

  11. You're quite crafty! I really like your paintings. I used to make handmade cards years ago and had a collection of Stampin' Up items but gave up that hobby. Kinda sad I did.

    1. Thank you! I took a good year or two hiatus from papercrafting and had even contemplated with giving away all my supplies but have slowly been getting back into it and I am really enjoying having that creative outlet back.

  12. All that beautiful creative talent made me smile reading about it!! So glad you shared it in my list link-up!


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