Friday Favorites: The Week We Saw All Those Pretty Waterfalls

We had some pretty nice weather this week and spent lots of time outside hiking.  We found a few new places to hike too.  I was gifted a lot of new scrapbooking supplies and spent most of the week re-organizing my crafting space and sorting through everything.  Luckily the boys only have one subject each left so school is done nice and quickly each morning.

Friday the younger boys and I went to check out a new Audubon place and trails.  They were kind of short and since the sun came out just as we were making our way back to the car we decided to head over to Purgatory Chasm and go hiking there too.  We only hiked through and then back out of the chasm but it was so much fun! We haven't gotten to climb on the boulders since early fall and we had missed it.

That must have been a pretty determined beaver! 

The only way out is up and over... it looks a lot harder than it is in person

I worked on making some handmade cards on Saturday and the younger boys played outside.  Even though it was another gray cloudy day with threats of rain we've making the best of it.

Sunday Evan, Ian, myself, and my husband went to see the Avengers End Game.  It was looong.. but oh so good!

We had a short day of school on Monday; we began with a game of Trekking and then went to help my parents move their new camper into the campground.

Alec decided to stay back at home and work on making some cinnamon coffee cake muffins.

The boys and I went out for a walk/hike on Monday since it was supposed to be a nice sunny day. We met up with some friends of ours at a new to us park and could not get over the beautiful waterfalls and scenery all around us!

Waterfall 1

Waterfall 2

A rock garden!

Waterfall 3

My husband, Ian, and I went to add (hugely!) to my scrapbooking collection in the evening.  A friend of a friend was getting rid of all her supplies; including the furniture she used for storing it all and I was the lucky recipient... with two giant moving boxes, two under the bed totes and two small units full of supplies I was feeling a bit overwhelmed but so excited to sort through it all.  

We set up the new desk right away (but all the drawers were left empty for a day or two).

These little cabinets had the supplies already in them!

Everything that I needed to sort through was in these two moving boxes, these two under the bed storage containers and this binder...

I had to take a peek and was blown away by some of the pages that were already mostly put together!

Tuesday Ian and I went shopping for summer clothes on Tuesday while Alec was at karate.  He's so hard to fit and we just can not find a good selection of clothes in the big and tall section.  Luckily he found quite a few t-shirts he really liked and he's just about all set for the summer.

After karate the younger two boys and I went roller skating again for the homeschool skate program and we met up with some friends of ours there.  After the skate program we stopped and got some ice cream.  I hadn't had real ice cream since I began Weight Watchers and it was so good!  They gave me a nice small scoop so I got a good taste without killing my weight loss goals.

Wednesday we made some strawberry cheesecake frozen yogurt pops.  They are so tasty and only 2 points apiece!

We also went on a walk on the airline trails; taking us a bit further onto a new section we hadn't yet walked.  The skies were so blue and it was so warm and sunny!! It was fantastic.  We could see all the trees just ready to burst into bloom (and with the way I've been sneezing this week I know they've already started).

Once home from hiking I spent the afternoon going through one bin of the scrapbooking pages and began organizing my new desk; it didn't take long to fill up ALL those drawers!

Thursday, Ian headed off to work and I spent most of the morning going through my craft supplies and area; organizing all the new stuff and mixing it in with my old.  I culled through everything new I had received and spent much of the time also tossing a few older items I've been holding onto forever.  Once I was done I just LOVED me new space and can not wait to dig in and use some of it now.

8 of these bins are filled with brand new supplies; all those stickers and papers!

I sorted all the papers by color and each drawer is packed to the top!

In the afternoon the boys and I went for a walk on the river trail and then went to run some errands.

Evan snapped a photo of these geese hanging out in front of our house.

How was your week?


  1. WOW! What an AWESOME gift of all that craft and scrapbooking stuff! You will have so much fun with that. I love all of the wonderful walks you all get to go on. What a wonderful selection of parks you have.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We really do have a lot of hidden gems around and I love that even after all these years of hiking we're still finding new ones to explore. I did make a few scrapbook pages today and I just love having everything right at my fingertips when I sit at my new desk.

  2. I love that desk! The organization you did makes me want to get back into scrapbooking, lol. I love waterfalls, you are lucky to get to hike by so many and with the boys too! Happy Mother's Day!

    1. The desk is amazing!! I could not believe it. I just love waterfalls and was amazed at how many saw in one day; of course it doesn't hurt that it's been raining here so much.

  3. What a lovely walk, you captured some beautiful shots. My Husband to the boys to see that film too. The lollies look yummy :)

    Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, hope to see you on Monday for our next blog hop :)

  4. Wow! What a week! I have that same popsicle mold and made Gatorade popsicles today. Thank you for sharing at Best if the Weekend!


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