A Sentence a Day in March

March seemed to fly right by! I think that was because we managed to have lots of fun.  The weather is finally starting to warm up and while I have not yet put away winter coats we are turning to thoughts of spring and summer.  Here's how our month went-- one day at a time.

1.  The boys and I got out for a walk before the big snowstorm came.

2.  I spent a quiet day at home blogging, baking, and tried to enjoy the view of the gently falling snow.

The lake looked so neat with low lying fog in the early morning
3.  We went to see How to Train Your Dragon 2 and out to dinner at Red Robin.

4.  We woke to a major snowstorm with 14" on the ground and several hours left of the storm system.

5.  I gave the boys a spaghetti bridge challenge and they did an amazing job!

6.  We learned about plate tectonics with a fun and edible science lesson.

7.  Alec and I put together an idea jar to help him pick out new recipes to try each week.

8.  We finally went snowshoeing and had a fabulous time checking out the trails for over an hour.

9.  Ian and I went to the pet store and bought the turtle a new and improved (think larger) tank.

10.  I got 5 more scrapbook pages completed!

11.  The boys and I went for a walk along the river trail since it was so warm out (in the mid- 40's!).

12.  Evan and I went for a walk on the river trail while Alec was at karate; it was cold but I got some neat shots of the ice.

13.  We had a full day of schooling; tackling every single subject.

14.  We met up with some friends of ours and went walking for almost 2 hours; it was beautiful out!

15. The boys and I went to the Hartford Science Museum.

16. My husband and I went out to the Black Dog grille for dinner; a wonderful date night trying out a new restaurant.

17. I cooked up a corned beef dinner to go with Alec's homemade Bailey's Brownies in honor of St. Patrick's day.

18. The boys and I headed out for a brisk hike in the afternoon that ended up being much icier and snowier than we had planned.

19.  We made homemade lava lamps for some really fascinating science themed fun.

20. I made some cards

21.  We cleaned out Alec's room; he got rid of all his Lego sets, any leftover toys, lots of books and it was a bit bittersweet to see.

22.  I had a hair appointment and spent my afternoon running errands.

23.  We woke to a snowstorm but that didn't stop me from putting together a pretty spring wreath for our front door.

24.  In a complete reversal of yesterday's weather we woke to a partially thawed lake and the return of the common mergansers (they only pass through for a few weeks in early spring).

25.  I challenged the boys to build towers using only index cards; they did great!

26.  We went hiking at Old Furnace state park before I spent my afternoon at the grocery store and preparing food for the week.

27.  When our school day was finished Alec made some homemade pie crust before we all headed to Purgatory Chasm for another hike.


28.  After a quick morning of schoolwork I watched Alec make his strawberry peach pie; it was amazing!

29.  We went out to dinner with some extended family that we hadn't seen in quite some time; it was such a fun night!

30.  I've been on Weight Watchers for one full week and managed to drop 3.4 lbs.!

31.  Squeezed in an hour workout plus worked on the blog.

How was your month?


  1. Seems like that spring wreath of yours caused the weather to improve! Although the snow and ice can be pretty, you must be pleased when spring really starts. Well done on your WW success!

    1. I hope it was the wreath that brought the change in weather! It was been beautiful lately.

  2. Great pics showcasing so many lovely things!! Love the wreath!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  3. Wow 14 inches of snow! I bet you are ready for Spring for sure. You have a really lovely walking path to spend time on. Congrats on the weight loss. That is amazing for just one week!
    The boys'bridges are awesome!

    1. Yeah.. pretty much no snow all winter and then BAM! March came in like a lion!

  4. The lake looks so gorgeous with that fog. I still can't believe your view. It's incredible!

    1. It really is incredible and I try so hard not to take it for granted.

  5. What a lovely month. I love that you all get outdoors so much. I know I say that all the time.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Oh yes, we have been walking/hiking for just about an hour every day.

  6. You are so industrious! Homeschooling three is a lot of work, but oh the things you're sharing and memories you're making!

    1. Aw, thank you! It can be a lot of work at times but I do love all the memories we're making together.

  7. Those challenges look really fun! I might do the spaghetti and index card ones! Thanks for the inspiration!


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