What's Up Wednesday-- March

It's just about the end of the month and time for another What's Up Wednesday post.  Today I am linking up with Shay and Shafer and all their blogging friends to talk about What's Up.  I can't believe it's the end of winter and spring- like weather will soon be here to stay.  I can not wait!!  I am ready for some warmer weather and sunshine.

We had a pretty good month with lots of time spent outside and a few fun day trips.

Let's dive right in!

What We're Eating This Week:
Sunday: Shrimp and broccoli alfredo over spaghetti
Monday:Grilled Pizza

Tuesday: Burgers and hot dogs with pasta salad.

Wednesday: Turkey pot pie

Thursday: Grilled Italian Herb Marinated chicken with green beans and salad.

Friday: Spinach and cheese Tortellini with sauce and salad.

What I'm Reminiscing About: Easter celebrations, decorating, crafts, and egg hunts from when my boys were little.  We stopped the egg hunts a few years ago and while I still make up small baskets for the boys it's just not the same now that they're older.   I think my favorite each year was finding a new way to die Easter eggs though!  I always joined right in too.

One year we tied died them:

One year we used shaving cream and food coloring:

One year we made "volcanic" dyed eggs:

One year we used bleeding tissue paper to color our eggs:

What I'm Loving: We've had a nice stretch of warm(ish) and sunny days and have spent lots of time outside walking and hiking and at the park.  It's been so great to spend so much time outside in the sun.  I even broke out my flip flops-- twice (Ok so I only wore them INSIDE but hey! It counts).

What We've Been Up To: Lots of fun hands on schooling.  This month alone we've made models of the Earth's layers, built bridges out of spaghetti, bridges using popsicle sticks and tape, models the movement of the tectonic plates using graham crackers and frosting, and made our own lava lamps!

What I'm Dreading: Mud season!  Now that more spring-like weather is hopefully on it's way we tend to have lots and lots of mud around as the snow melts and spring showers arrive.  It makes for very interesting hiking conditions.  

What I'm Working On: Some spring crafts and spring cleaning-- check out the wreath I made for our front door this past weekend!  Check out this post to see how I made it and check back tomorrow to link up with me and a group of bloggers for a fun Welcome Spring Linky!

What I'm Excited About: All the baking and cooking my boys have been up to!  Alec has decided to make up a jar of baking ideas and he picks one thing each week to try and make.  All this baking even had Ian motivated to make waffles and banana bread.  It's so great watching my boys take over in the kitchen. I love that they don't need me on hand anymore to help.

Ian's banana bread

We made lava cakes

Alec's idea jar

Starting his first project- sugar cookies with royal icing

His second project was baking brownies from scratch

What I'm Watching/ Reading:
I recently "discovered" Downton Abbey on Amazon and have been binge watching the entire show! I am on the very beginning of season 3 and just love it!  I am so excited that all 6 seasons are included free with Prime.

I was also so trilled to see season 3 of Life in Pieces released on Hulu.  I felt like I've been waiting forever to see it. I think this season is a bit more far fetched than the previous two but I still find myself cracking up with each and every episode!  Be sure to check back on Saturday when I share ALL the shows I am currently loving and streaming.

Many of our favorite shows are cranking out new weekly episodes too and we're trying to keep up with all of those all well!

I'll be sharing about all the books I read this month this coming Sunday; here's a little sneak peek! I really loved Spark of Light, The Heart Echoes, and When Never Comes.

What I'm Listening To: We picked up a new book on CD last week-- Al Capone Does my Homework and we're listening to it in the car when we head out on trips.  It's such a cute series and all three of the boys willingly listen (this is huge as last year Ian used to bring along his phone and earbuds to listen to music instead of our books on CD).

What I'm Wearing: Even though it's still pretty chilly most days I have broken out my flip flops to wear on occasion with my pants and long sleeves... only inside so far but that's enough to make me smile and paint my toes.

What I'm Doing this Weekend: So far our calendar is wide open.  If it's nice enough I'd like to get a jump start on cleaning the basement and patio for meals and night outside by the lake.

This right here--- this is what I can not wait for!

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: My husband is supposed to be heading out of town for a work trip and we're hoping I'll get to join him.  I'm looking forward to a nice road trip; just the two of us! We also celebrate my oldest son's birthday and have quite a few fun trips planned with our homeschool group.

What Else is New: I don't know if it's because it's spring or what but I have found myself re-arranging furniture in just about every room of the house.  We cleaned almost all of the "kid" stuff out of Alec's room and it's looking a bit more teen in there.  We moved the couches and chairs around in both the living room and the great room, swapped out some furniture in the playroom, and I have plans to tackle and re-arrange some of our kitchen cabinets too.

How was your month?


  1. Your homeschool is soooo amazing. Will you teach Ella???
    Also, my husband and I actually watched Downton Abbey while it was on PBS and LOVED it and that isn't the type of show my husband would like.
    We have seasons 1-4 on DVD and watch them periodically. It is a comfort place show for me. :)

    1. Aw, thanks! I had a lot of friends asking me to homeschool their kids too when we first started down this road. I do find Downton calming even when it's at it's most riveting.

  2. Your school projects look so cool! That's great that the boys are baking. Zachary has recently started baking too. I still need to help though. I need to get my toes done, I wore sandals in Dallas and they looked pretty bad, oops!

    1. My middle son wants to head to culinary school so I'm trying to expose him to as much variety as I can.

  3. Your menu plan sounds so good! I wish my husband liked alfredo so I could make it more often!

    1. Thanks! Luckily my husband and two of my kids like it but since I have one that does not I do keep the Alfredo separate.

  4. Your projects look so cool! What a fun experience for the boys. I've never watched Downtown Abbey but have heard great things about it. Might watch it this summer when I have more time. :) Hope your week is great!

  5. That grilled pizza looks delicious! Have you made it before? Do share the results! This dieting girl loves seeing all your food pics! Thanks for sharing about Downton Abbey being on Netflix. I had no idea! Don't you just love that show? I can't wait for the movie in September!

    1. Yes! We made it last summer and it was delicious! I have to figure out how to adjust it slightly now that I'm committed to sticking to my Weight Watchers points but I loved the smoky flavor the grill lent to the crust. I had no idea they were making a movie!!


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