Friday Favorites-- The Week Alec Made a Fruit pie

We had such a great week!  The weather was sunny and nice and we were able to get out for a walk or a hike just about every single day this week!  We had a few new school projects and Alec attempted his first ever fruit pie.

I had an appointment for a hair cut on Friday.  The boys and I did a very light day of schooling before I left the house and I spent the rainy, dreary (sometimes snowy!) day running errands.

I made a beautiful new wreath for our front door on Saturday; I just love the colors of the flowers! (I found them at Michael's).

Sunday I bit the bullet and joined Weight Watchers.  I have been trying pretty uncesssfully on my own using a fitness tracking app to shed some pounds for a good 10 months now and while I am down 9- 10 lbs and keeping it off fairly well I am just not shedding those pounds fast enough and feel myself ready to quit.  I am hoping that the app, the easy to use point system, and the community of fellow WW people will help keep me motivated to work at reaching my goal (it's a rather large one at over 40+ lbs!).  In just under a week I've already lost more than 2 lbs!

The lake unfroze this week and we've even seen a few of our "diving" ducks (also known as common mergansers).  They only show up for a couple of weeks in very early spring!

We got out of the house for a hike/walk just about every day this week!  We hiked in our own woods on Sunday, in Douglas State Forest on Monday, at Old Furnace on Tuesday, Purgatory Chasm on Wednesday and the airline trails on Thursday (plus I did Yoga twice and walked on the treadmill for an hour one day!).

I challenged the boys to build a tower using just index cards on Monday. Evan was supremely frustrated at first but soon all three boys were happily building away.  Ian ended up with tallest tower by a good 6 or 8 inches but they all did a great job.

Alec attempted to make his first ever fruit pie. First he had to make the crust, then roll it out and prepare the filling. He made a strawberry peach pie and it was unbelievably good! (even if the pie crust gave him a hard time and doesn't look so good).  He did the whole thing himself too following the recipe.

Ian finished up a model car he's been working on for Evan. Evan really liked this car when we saw it in person at the Newport car museum and as part of his Christmas gift, Ian offered to make him a mode of it.  It turned out great and the next day Ian was hard at work on his next model car... which he also finished this week!

Alec re-discovered a few coloring books he had forgotten about when we went through and cleaned out his room last week. He's been coloring up a storm (usually while listening to his audiobook).

  I bought myself a fitness tracker; I'm not sure I can handle wearing it all the time as having something on my wrist is driving me nuts but I want to give it a good week. I do like seeing the numbers go up and it's motivating me to keep moving so that's great!

How was your week?


  1. I was a teacher for over 30 years. On the first day of school, just to get the kids back in thinking mode, I often had them construct a tower of index cards with their partners. It was a fun activity. Good for you for teaching your son to make a pie. Looks yummy!

    1. Thanks! He is very interested in learning how to bake everything and is thinking of pursuing a career in culinary arts so we're trying to incorporate more time to bake and cook into our homeschooling days.

  2. What a fun filled week! Y'all have some beautiful places to hike! I am so very thankful that the weather is starting to warm up!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



    1. We really do have lots of great places around here! I wish the temperatures would warm up just a tad more but I'm definitely liking all the sunshine!

  3. I love the index card challenge! I'll have to try that with my kiddos.

  4. Your kids did great with the index card challenge. We hope to get outside more soon. The weather has been very rainy here.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We were very lucky with lots of sunny weather... though I know the rain is coming.

  5. I'm so impressed with Alec's pie. I've never been very good with pies, so I just buy them from Perkins! Love your wreath.

    1. Thank you! My pies tend to taste fine but I have such a hard time with the crust that I rarely bother to make any.


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