Virtual Refrigerator-- Pour Painting on Canvas

Thanks for stopping by and joining us again this week as we host another virtual refrigerator arts and crafts link up.

We finally had a bright and sunny day with little to no threat of rain and I decided it was time to tackle pour painting.  This is an art project I have been wanting to do for a few months but kept putting off since it really intimidated me for some strange reason.

Turns out it's super easy!!

We loved our results and can't wait to try again soon.

We got all our supplies ready and went out to the yard to work, knowing it would be very messy.

We used:
 11 x 14 canvas
acrylic paints
plastic cups and stir sticks

We began by mixing up our paints.  We added some Floetrol, paint and water to a cup until we had a nice pour-able consistency.  We were pretty unclear on the ratios but found even though all three of us used different amounts they all came out just fine.

Once I had all my colors mixed I added the blue, yellow, and green paint to my silver base paint. I didn't mix; just poured one color into another until they were all in the same cup.

Then I held my canvas over the cup and gently rotated the canvas so my cup was lying face down on it.

I lifted up the cup and the paint poured out across the canvas.  I let it just mix and swirl for a bit then gently lifted it at the corners, tilting the canvas to get paint over the entire surface (including the corners)

It was so messy!  My fingers were full of paint and so was the lawn.  I set the painting out in the sun to dry.

Evan went next.  First he mixed up his two colors of paint.

Then he poured the black into the green.

Flipped it onto his canvas and began spreading it around.

Finally it was Alec's turn.  He prepared 4 colors of paint.

Then added the blue to the purple, the pink to the black, and then finally the blue/purple to the pink/black. He wanted to see if HOW we added the paint to the final cup would make a difference.

Then he flipped his canvas with the cup on top and began tilting the canvas around covering all the corners.

We did find that the grass stuck to the backside of the canvas since we didn't raise our canvases up off the ground but it was easy enough to pick them out. Since ours were out in the sun they were dry in just a few hours.

We had read that it would take up to 24 hours for the paint to dry so we were pleased that ours were all set by lunchtime.

For some reason my paint cracked and I think it was because I had more water than the other two boys.

We had so much fun that we're already planning out next pouring projects.  I think I'd like to try two cups and adding a bit of silicone for some circular cells.

Have you ever tried (or heard of) pour painting?

Now without further ado I invite you to grab a "magnet" and link up your arts and crafts posts below and visit some other bloggers to see what they shared on their refrigerators.

Your art project doesn't need to be a stand alone post, nor does it need to be a tutorial.  We love day in the life posts or homeschooling wrap- ups that show art work too! 

So what do you have to share with us?

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  1. I am definitely doing this with my grandkids. Thank you for such detailed instructions. This looks awesome!!!

    1. You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

  2. That is SO COOL!!! I have never heard of this, but would love to try it! Pinned so we can do just that.

    1. It is a lot of fun. I have found that my youngest son, in particular, loves open ended art projects like this where there is no wrong way to do it.


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