100 Days of Science #30: Color Changing Flowers

My boy and I had been talking one day about color changing plants and the younger two boys didn't remember doing those experiments so I figured summer was the perfect time to try one again.

We bought some white Gerbera daisies at the grocery store. Using some of our food coloring and water we mixed up a rainbow of colors an stuck one flower in each cup. 

Then we set them on the counter and observed them for about a week.

We could see color changes almost immediately on the blue and red but other colors like this black one below took a bit more time to begin showing. 

With the lighting I couldn't always get the best photos but when I zoom in you can see how the edges of most every petal have picked up colors.

When we felt like our experiment was over we tried to take two of the flowers and swap cups; putting the blue tinted flower in the red cup and the red tinted flower in the blue cup to see what would happen but unfortunately our flowers died before we noticed any real changes.  

Have you ever tried some color changing plant experiments?


  1. I always wondered how floral shapes colored their flowers. Now I know and could do it myself at home. Super cool!

    1. It is very simple. I think next time I'd like to try growing a flower from seed and only feeding it colored water to see what would happen.

  2. I've never heard of this experiment before, but how cool is this?! My boys would be in heaven! I'll have to try this now! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  3. This is a great experiment and it catches children's attention. I've never seen it done from seeds, but the results would be interesting.

    1. Right?! I was thinking I've never seen it done from seeds either but it would be real neat to see what would happen.

  4. Your flowers turned out so well! Kids love these fun experiments :)

  5. I've never seen this experiment before. What a great idea and nice and simple too. May have to give this one a go.
    Thank you for joining the #FamilyFunLinky x

    1. Oh it is a fun one! Works well with any white flowers too.

  6. We are so doing this experiment! What a great idea! Thank you for this, and the entire list! #familyfunlinky xoxo


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