100 Days of Science #29-- Exploring the New England Shoreline

One of the reasons I enjoy visiting the beach so much is because we get to explore the shore and see all sorts of new and interesting creatures, shells, and even rock formations.

Here are just a few of the things we saw on our last trip to the beach.

We watched the rolling of the waves and took note of the tide; it was high tide when we got there and low tide when we left

We saw so many different types of seaweed and Alec had a great time playing with these larger sheets of seaweed in the wind 

A perfect and empty shell 

We could just make out the claw of this hermit crab and marveled at the shell he had put together 

The boys and I remembered learning that this particular species of spider crab is an invasive species that is quickly taking over our shoreline 
We saw a horseshoe crab swimming around with barnacles and seaweed attached to it's back 

My sister noticed that this shell fragment had tiny bay shrimp moving around on it; after we all examined the shrimp we put it back in the ocean. 

That's a lot of science for just one afternoon at the beach.


  1. Going to the sea shore is always such a fun summer activity.

  2. That is a lot of science and I absolutely love it, especailly when it involves the beach! xo

  3. Well you already know that we too love the seaside! We don't find any horseshoe crabs here though. They're quite fascinating creatures, but a little bit freaky too ☺️x

    1. Yep, that is a lot of legs when you flip them over and it kind of creeps me out but they are really neat to see.

  4. very cool. I'm hoping to get down to Rocky Neck sometime next week #familyfun

  5. What lovely photos. You have made me want to go to the seaside now :) Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop.

  6. Check out the tiny little shrimp!! I love the tide and jumping the waves, discussion on wave height and frequency is something that always fascinated me!! ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬

    1. They were such tiny little creatures that we almost didn't see them on the shell at first.


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