Seuss Museum and Sculpture Gardens

We met up with a group of friends at the Seuss Museum in Massachusetts a week or so ago and we had a great time.

The house is so colorful and share a communal sculpture garden with a few other museums in the area (that we also toured!).

Everything was so colorful and fun!

The light fixture in the front hallway

Most rooms were themed after a particular book

There were huge statues everywhere of many beloved characters 

Theodore Seuss Geisel was born and raised in Springfield, Massachusetts so there were a few rooms in the house that were all about him and his ties to the region.  We got to see some of his drawings and where the inspiration came from for some of his books and stories.  There were family photos and even a room set up with his drawing desk and other personal items.

Even though it was a pretty chilly day we took quick walk around the sculpture garden too. 

Dr. Seuss at his drawing table with the cat in the hat 

While it was a lot of fun my boys were a bit bored and embarrassed and kept claiming that they were too old for the museum since most of the activities and toys were geared towards much younger kids.

Linking Up With: Local Tourist,

Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635



  1. We went here as well last year and love it soooo much!

  2. You know I adore this post as read my boys every Dr. Suess there was numerous times. They would’ve loved this museum.

    1. I love his books but there were one or two that the rooms were themed after that I hadn't heard of!

  3. How fun! I didn't know about this museum. If we're ever in this area, we'll have to go and visit :)

  4. Oh my goodness what an experience. I would love to take my kids here, we are big Dr Seuss fans! Great pics too! #ExplorerKids

  5. If you ever have a chance to check out a Seuss art exhibit, your boys would probably enjoy it. We have a gallery in town that houses lots of the art he created before he became a children’s author and illustrator. It’s fascinating to see how his art inspired his most famous work. ��

  6. This is on my to do list for that part of the state. We have a family member who will be attending college out that way and when we visit I have a list of other things to do while we are there.

  7. Oh wow, this place is great. My children would love it here :) Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday Blog Hop, hope to see you again soon.

    1. I was like a kid in a candy store and my boys were rolling their eyes. I thought it was just so adorable and loved seeing so many of my favorite characters up close.

  8. Aw, this looks like such fun! I love that some of the rooms were themed toward books, and that sculpture garden is awesome. #localtourist


    1. I loved that the rooms were themed around books too; not all of them were but many were.

  9. I need to make the drive out there!!

    1. It was super cute and the admission to this museum includes admission to 4 others as well.

  10. Oh Wow! You are so lucky! I'd love to go to Seuss museum too. I really love the Saxophone lighting. I'd love to one of those in our playroom please - if and when I have a playroom to hang them. We went to see Dr. Seuss in a theatre once, but Ethan was just too small at that time and he didn't managed to sit still. Oh well, hopefully we can go again soon.

    Thank you very much for linking up with us on #ExplorerKids

    1. I just loved all the little details like that light. It was such a colorful and playful feeling museum.

  11. It looks so amazingly colourful! I would love to visit - shame we are in the wrong country for it! Sarah #ExplorerKids

  12. What fun! I didn't even know this place existed! Thanks for sharing at the April Take Me Away Party!


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