March Pinterest Challenge -- Salt Dough Map

Welcome to the March Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

This month the boys and I decided to try making a salt dough map.  We've been studying the United States this year and we thought this would be a fun family craft.  I had pinned this idea from Kris at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and then pretty much had forgotten about it up until now.

We found a sturdy piece of cardboard and printed out an outline map of the United State that would fill up our cardboard nicely.  Alec traced it for us onto the cardboard using carbon paper.

With our image all set and ready we mixed up our dough.  We used 4 cups of flour (I had wheat flour on hand), 2 cups of salt, 2 Tablespoons of cream of tarter, and about 3 cups of water.  We started with 2 cups of water and added a bit more as we mixed until we couldn't see any dried flakes of flour anymore.

The boys scooped up small bits of dough and filled in the whole map first being careful to keep the dough as close to the outline Alec drew as possible.

Once the outline was done we consulted a topographical map of the United States on our phone and we added more dough for the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains as well as building up other areas that needed it.  We then set aside our map overnight to dry.

The boys each picked one or two colors and worked together to paint it.  They decided to use brown for any mountains, yellow for desserts, light green for plains and darker green near water.

It was a really fun geography activity!

  To join next month's challenge, click here to sign-up ⇒ April Pinterest Challenge

Now let's see what other things Pinterest inspired! Head over and visit the other hosts to see what they crafted, cooked, built, or tried!

Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop
Roseann - This Autoimmune Life • Kelli - The Olympic Nest
 Lynne - My Family Thyme • Beverly - Across the Blvd.
Debra - Shoppe No. 5 •  Pili - My Sweet Things
Julie - Sum of their StoriesGwen - Geez, Gwen!
T'onna - Sew Crafty Crochet • Kenyatta - My Design Rules
Magen - The Kusi Life
Cherryl - Farm Girl Reformed  
Lauren - Mom Home Guide • Deborah - Salvage Sister & Mister
Gail - Purple Hues and Me • Terri - Our Good Life • Lisa - Blogghetti
Michelle- Our Crafty Mom Maria - Tinselbox


  1. This does look fun! It looks like your boys enjoyed. I love learning activities like these. My kids would love this.

    1. Thanks. Their only complaint was that the dough smelled. I'm sure it's because I used wheat flour instead of white flour.

  2. Wow! What a fun lesson this was for your boys! They did a great job painting it too!

    1. Thank you! They had a bit of debate over what colors to use and where to put the colors but they were all quite pleased with how it came out.

  3. What a fun activity for your boys. It looks like they did a great job!

  4. This looks like a great activity to do with your kids. Thanks for sharing!

  5. My sisters and I made one of these when we were little and we had a ball!I had completely forgotten about that :) Your guys did a great job! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I had never made a salt dough map (that I can recall) but it looked like a fun way to learn about geography.

  6. If this is a duplicate comment - I apologize! But I wanted to say that your sweet boys did such a great job on this! It reminded me of projects like this when MY kids were little!

  7. My son would love doing something like this! What a great way to learn

  8. How fun! Great way to learn, too. Pinned

  9. Great job, and how fun for your boys to take part in it.

  10. Wow! I'd give them both an A. Such a fun Geography project. I like the mountains and the colors. Pinning this.

    1. Thanks for the pin! It was a fun geography project and I'm starting to think we need to do this for every continent-- or maybe a world map!

  11. This is a great project to do with kids. I remember doing something very similar in school and it is a great learning tool and fun to do.

    1. I love learning that's fun. That's usually my goal.

  12. Your boys must have a ton of fun getting so creative while learning. Such a fun kid project. Pinned.

  13. What a fun and creative idea to study Geography. Pinning to make something similar with my daughters

  14. I remember making these with my children when they were young! Always a lot of fun!

    1. It was a lot of fun and I found myself wishing we had started making these maps a lot sooner. This would have been a great project for when we studied Africa last year too.


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