Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Went from Snow to Flip Flops to Snow!

We had a very typical week of homeschooling and a typical week of New England weather.  The weather could not decide what it wanted to do.  We started our week with a few inches of snow, then the sun came out and temperatures reached into the 60's, and then we ended our week with more snow.  We did get quite a bit of schoolwork done and I've started talking with the boys about our plans for next year.  While I am in no way ready to buy any curriculum materials I do like to see what they enjoyed and what they didn't enjoy about each year and hear any suggestions they have for the next year before I sit down to plan anything out.

What was your week like?

Since everyone was feeling great on Friday we tackled a lot of schoolwork trying to get caught up on all the work we had missed for the last two weeks.  The boys worked on math, reading, spelling, writing, history and geography!  We had plans to meet up with some friends to go hiking but the ground was so muddy and the day was drizzly and cloudy so we ended up canceling our plans.  I really needed to get out of the house though so we ran some errands.  At Target both Evan and Ian purchased some new Lego sets and they spent the afternoon putting them together.

Saturday Ian and I headed to the woodworking shop with my husband to try and help him organize a bit.  We put up some pegboards and began sorting hand tools for a little while.

We woke to more snow on Sunday and Ian headed off with his father to plow and shovel.  I went to pick them up and we did a quick grocery run since we were having my mother in law over for dinner.  The boys all pitched in to clean a room in the house and we made some Tollhouse Chip cookies for dessert.  We had a really lovely dinner and after dinner we all played Wii and a few games of cards.

We started a new chapter book on Monday and the boys all worked on some English, math, reading, and spelling.  We read a couple of books about the state of Maine and watched a quick Youtube video about it too.  We conducted a quick and simple science experiment and tried to make a hard boiled egg float or suspend in water; it was lots of fun and I'll be writing up a how to post soon!  Ian cleaned his turtle tank and Evan played with his Legos.  Alec spent some time in his room listening to his book on CD and coloring in his coloring book. I convinced the boys to go for a walk along a nearby nature trail and while it was pretty snowy still and quite muddy it was wonderful to get outside.

Alec finally made it back to karate on Tuesday.  The boys had most of their work done before karate so we only had a couple of subjects to finish up after; which was such a good thing since it was so sunny and warm outside!  We headed out for the entire afternoon playing in the woods, taking a few pond/ water samples for Wednesday's science lesson, and just enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

After I finished grocery shopping on Wednesday morning the boys settled down to work on their schoolwork and eat breakfast.  Evan handed in a coupon for day off from school but he did ask me to read three chapters in our Masterminds book.  He also ended up deciding to participate in our pond water study for science (more on this later too, I promise!) and listening to the stories we had set aside for learning about the Industrial revolution too so really he just didn't work on math, spelling and writing.  It was beautiful out so all three boys spent a good amount of time playing outside.  Ian washed my car for me too and I worked on cleaning the inside.  The boys all played wiffle ball together for a bit but the game eventually ended in fighting. 

We began our school day on Thursday by reading a couple more chapters aloud from Masterminds and the boys all begged me to read more!  I promised I'd read two more chapters at lunch after all their morning work was done.  They each worked on some math, reading, spelling and writing and then we read again during lunch and headed out to co-op.  We haven't been going much but the boys were missing their friends and I thought it would be a fun way to spend our afternoon.  Evan literally stood in the corner with his friend an another new boy the entire time we were there talking about video games and making plans to play together.  Alec worked on a watercolor/ drawing of Squirtle and Ian (being the only teen to show up) spent the time on his phone playing games and talking with the parents.

Linking Up With:

Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. Your weather was pretty crazy this week! Ours was just cold and rainy the whole week. I'm envious you got to play in the woods!

    1. We literally have woods across the street so we get to play in them often... whenever the weather cooperates. :)

  2. I’ve decided Mother Nature is bipolar! The hard boiled egg experiment looks fun! Have a super duper weekend!

  3. We had crazy warm weather here. It is wild weather all around. What a great and packed week. I love all the places you find to hike.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thanks! It can be hard to think of someplace to go hike off the top of my head but I really do like to mix it up.

  4. Legos and science experiments...homeschool at its best. I spent a year homeschooling some girls during 5th-6th grades. It was a blast.

    1. I am finding I am having so much fun with this middle school years!

  5. our weather has been nutty too!!
    I don't think I have it in me to homeschool but my gosh do I admire you women (and men) who are able to do it and do it so well. Love seeing children thrive and explore! Well done!

    1. Thank you! I never in a million years thought I'd be homeschooling and while it was so very scary at first I do find that I just love it. It certainly can be challenging but I find that I a learning so much too and we have a lot of fun together.

  6. What a busy week you had. We also had a science week at Ethan's school too. I was told one of his friend did the egg experiment thing, but it didn't work. Perhaps, they didn't peal the shell off?

    Thank you very much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

    1. It's always a bummer when science experiments fail; and boy! Have we had our share of failures... but I always remind the boys just because it failed doesn't mean we didn't learn anything.

  7. Such great fun and wow what changeable weather. We currently have snow here in England and it's due to continue until the end of the week. #FabFridayPost

    1. Yeah the weather here has been crazy for the past few weeks. It was in the 50's today and they're calling for possible snow this weekend.

  8. Feeling really uninspired on the home education front at the moment probably because too busy with making money and housework. Need to find a new focus so your blog is helping me lots to be more cheerful about it all. Thank you! #FabFridayPost

    1. It can be so hard to keep up that enthusiasm and momentum for homeschooling isn't it? I find this is the time of year I tend to struggle the most too. For me this week I decided I need to make some plans where we set aside the books and get OUT in the world for some real life learning again.


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