Over 100 Books About the 50 States

We're going to be studying the 50 states for geography and since our Africa study worked out so well we decided to tackle the United States the same way!

We'll be spending each week reading about a different state.  We're going to try to read two or three books about each state, prepare a few new meals and snacks, and keep track of each state in our United States Thinking Tree Journals.

Some states it was so hard to find two books about and other states had so many wonderful books it was hard to choose which ones we'd use!

Here are some of the books we plan on using:

1. Alabama: 

Y is for Yellowhammer

4. Arkansas

This book is part of a series about the 50 states 

5. California

6. Colorado
Product Details
Part of a series about the National Parks 

Part of a series about the 50 states

8. Delaware

Part of a 50 states series 

Part of a 50 states series 

12. Idaho

13. Illinois

Part of a series of all 50 states
14. Indiana

Part of a series about all 50 states

Part of a 50 states series

21. Massachusetts

This book is part of a series that go through many regions of the county

This books is part of a series that include many cities and states! 

24. Mississippi

32. New York

Part of a series about many different cities

33. North Carolina

34. North Dakota

Part of a 50 state series

35. Ohio

Part of a series about various cities and states

44. Utah

Part of a series about many national parks 

45. Vermont

48. West Virginia


Part of a 50 state series 

49. Wisconsin
The 12 Day of Christmas in Wisconsin

Part of a 50 state series 

The Raft

50. Wyoming

Do you have a favorite book or series for learning about the states?  We'd love to hear about it.  There are so many wonderful books out there and we're always looking for new ones.

Linking Up With:

JENerally Informed


  1. This is great! So many options to use to learn about the states. I love it.

    1. Thanks! :) It took a lot longer to put together than I had planned on but I love that I now have a list of great books to choose from.

  2. We have enjoyed many of these books! This is a wonderful list :)

  3. Wowser! That is one huge post! What a great resource!

    1. Thanks! It took me a lot longer to pull it together than I had planned on but I was so happy with it when I finally finished it.

  4. Awesome list and wow that must have taken some time. I want to encourage you on another book for the state of Maine (since that is where I live), it is called The Circus Ship. While the story is a fun, rhyming story about a circus ship thats sinks off the coast of a small Maine town and the animals swim to shore, there is a great history lesson involved. The story is based on actual events, I was so surprised when I read this but found it really interesting. You can go on the web and search more about it and learn more about the history than the small excerpt in the book.

    1. That sounds like a great book; thanks so much for the suggestion!

  5. I'm only familiar with a few of these books, but this looks like such a fun project! A great book for West Virginia, if you haven't read it yet, When I Was Young in the Mountains, by Cynthia Rylant. It's about the simplicity of her life as a child, and gives a nice look at Appalachia.

  6. What a fantastic list! I love learning through stories vs reading text books. So much more interesting and fun!

    1. Oh yes, my kids don't even know what a text book is! We much prefer learning through stories.


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