Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Went on 2 Hikes

I feel like I blinked and it was Thursday night!  Our week flew right by and we had a lot of fun.  We spent lots of time outside and lots of time with friends.  We're keeping on top of our schoolwork and looking forward to taking a break from our books completely next week.  I had promised my boys a few weeks ago that we could take a week off for Thanksgiving and I think we're all looking forward to some fun time off.

Even though we had temps in the low 30's, we still had plans to meet up with our hiking group on Friday.  I just set out the boys' math workbooks and they each did some reading (which also happened to count as science since Evan read Ranger Rick, Alec read In the Ocean, and Ian read a book about drones).  With our schoolwork done early and quickly we got a few chores out of the way and headed out to meet our friends at the local airline trails.  We walked for a good hour and a half, bundled up against the cold and wind.  We had a wonderful time and look forward to a nice hot meal for lunch. Ian made burgers while I cooked up some french fries and Alec threw some ingredients into the pan to make bread for our dinner in our bread maker.  Then we decided to splurge with an afternoon movie; Smurf's Lost Village.

Keeping warm with a travel mug of cocoa, my fur lined boots, and lots of layers

Ian headed off to work on Saturday and the younger boys mostly sat around playing video games all day.  My husband was feeling quite under the weather and I took the day to work on getting my Christmas gifts made/ ordered and planning out my Christmas cards.

Sunday morning Ian headed off to work once again and we took the boys with us to do some much needed grocery shopping.  They were quite helpful in the store and even helped carry all the groceries inside.  We spent another quiet day at home after that watching movies and playing video games.

I had some schoolwork set out for the boys Monday morning.  They worked on math, reading, and writing/grammar.  We finished up our book that we were reading together and discussed ideas for the next family read aloud. After schoolwork was done Ian went off to finish his mini metal model. I just LOVE it!  He's so proud of it and can't wait to try a few more.  We ran to the library and both of the older boys spent some time in the kitchen. Alec made some sloppy Joes for dinner and some Cole slaw while Ian worked on cooking up a quick and simple dessert-- muddy buddies!

He used this kit found here

We made our muddy buddies with dark chocolate, peanut butter, and butterscotch chips-- it was so good! 

The boys tackled their schoolwork early on Tuesday.   They completed math, cursive, reading and some geography before we left for Alec's karate class.  We dropped him off at class and went to run a few errands.  We went home for lunch and worked together to pick a new book to read aloud then we stopped at the library and headed to Alec's art class.  It was his last class and they painted squirrels and birds using watercolors.  They came out beautifully!

We were meeting up with a new hiking group on Wednesday and got a head start on our schoolwork so we could be done in time to go hiking. The boys all worked on math, reading, grammar, and world history.  I managed to get 12 of the 40 Christmas cards I want to make done while the boys played so nicely together.  As soon as we finished lunch we headed out and spent the next 3 hours outside hiking, talking, and having fun.

Working together to keep the ball from touching the ground

Alec had an early orthodontist appointment on Thursday and we had our co-op meeting in the afternoon so I planned a very light day of schoolwork.  Each boy worked on math, reading and writing up either a generic Christmas wish list or a letter to Santa.  I'm not sure any of them actually got around to reading but we spent a lot of time this week listening to our book on CD together so I let it slide.  Alec helped make a blueberry boy bait for our homeschool brunch on Friday while Ian cooked up lunch for himself and Evan.  As soon as the bait was done cooking we headed out to co-op.  The theme for this week was games and my boys had a great time playing Suspend, Exploding Kittens, Twister, and a made up story telling game very loosely based on Dungeons and Dragons (even though Alec nor his friend have ever played D & D they had a great time making up their own rules, own story, and own game).  The two hours just flew by!

Writing up their characters and setting the rules 

It involved writing and story telling and these funny pirate penguins as stand in for the other characters 


  1. What a busy, fun-filled week! Well done on the two hikes. The story-telling game looks fabulous too!

    1. We're trying to get out as much as we can before the snow and bitter temps hit. It was a busy week but as long as it's fun, I can handle busy.

  2. Oh my gosh, have not played Twister in forever. And aren't hikes in the crisp Fall air just the best! My boys would have been all about that mini metal model. Heck, they still would be, it is so cool!!

    1. We love playing Twister and this game had a new twist; there were clouds on each section of the spinner that meant "in the air"-- we were laughing so hard when at one point all the players should have had everything in the the air but one hand. I do love crisp fall hikes and found to my surprise that I even enjoy winter hikes when the weather isn't too cold and the sun is shining. My oldest added another half dozen mini models to his Christmas list. It took a lot of patience and we had to buy him some of those crafting magnifiers for him to look through while working but he was determined to get it all together. It's so neat.

  3. you had a such aenjoyable hike and I loved those dark choclate, peanut butter and butterscotch muddy buddies. I just wrote my second post on how todecorate cupcakes- like for a nebiw or beginner. if you get a chance do check it out. Thanks Manisha

    1. We sure will! My middle son is fairly new to cake decorating and he'd love any tips on that.

  4. Your co-op sounds great. I love all of the hikes.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I was leery of joining a co-op but it has been great! We really just get together once a week and have activities planned to keep the kids occupied but it's really created with the purpose of getting the kids together once a week to socialize. We have been enjoying it so much!

  5. I love hiking all year round woth the family - and Gatsby joins us too! He can walk for hours and never tire! Good for us all! #FabFridayPost xoxo

  6. They are such good artists! What is sloppy Joes? Thank you for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost x

    1. Sloppy Joes is ground beef cooked up and mixed with ketchup, BBQ sauce, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, a bit of mustard and some seasonings. The cooked meat is then served on a hamburger bun (my boys like it with cheese). The meat tends to slide off since it's loose and hence the name Sloppy..(I have no idea where the Joes came from).


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