The Things I am Thankful For...

It's a new month and this week I am once again joining up with the wonderful ladies of The Blended Blog.  This month instead of answering multiple choice questions we were asked to write about 15 things we are thankful for (with a bit of help from the prompt listed below).

Thanksgiving is one of my all time favorite holidays and I spend much of the month of November thinking of all the things I am thankful for so this post was just made for me!

1.  A new friend-- My boys and I have met many new friends in the last few weeks and months.  Two of the groups we hang around with are putting together co-ops and we're meeting so many new families! This year I am finding myself drawn to two lovely ladies that we started hiking with last year.  We have begun meeting up a few times a week and our bonds are growing more and more each time.  They are wonderful ladies and I am so thankful that our homeschooling journey has led me to these wonderful ladies that I can add to our ever growing circle of friends.

2.  Something Shiny-- My crock pot.  I can not imagine fall without my crock pot.  I use it to cook something almost every night and love that I can have hot foods ready for us to eat on our more busy days.

3.  Someone Unexpected-- My husband's uncle.  He bought each of the females in the family a bouquet of roses a few weeks ago as part of a town fundraiser.  That unexpected gesture of kindness meant so much to me!  I am so thankful to be a part of such a loving family.

4.  Something Ordinary-- Power!  We lost power for a few days last week and it has made me so hyper aware of just how much I am grateful for something so ordinary that I tend to take for granted... until it's not working and then I realize just how much I am thankful for it.

5. A person you've known a long time-- My mother in law!  I could have answered this question with so many names but I finally settled on my mother in law.  I have known her since I was 16 and unlike so many women I know who struggle to connect with their mother in laws I just loved mine from the start.  She often felt like my second mother and through the years we have become even closer.  She loves our family fiercely and it has become a tradition for her to join us on our family vacations.  They just would not be the same without her.

My son and mother in law on the carousel at Busch Ga
6.  Somewhere you go every day-- I don't think there is somewhere I go everyday.  But since I am a homebody I would have to say my home.  Sure I can complain about it from time to time but I sure do love it.  It makes me happy, makes me feel safe, and I know that I am blessed to see such wonderful sunrises, sunsets, and views all year round.

7.  Someone's who's taught you something-- My boys! I know I am homeschooling and teaching them but I have to admit that they teach me something new each and every day.  They all have their different passions and are so eager to share what they are learning with me.  I love listening to them and learning alongside them.

8.  A far- away place-- Walt Disney World.  I could have answered this question in so many ways but the one place that always brings back wonderful memories, happy smiles, and draws me back time and time again is Walt Disney World.  I don't think a single week goes by that I am not thinking about or plotting a way to get back there.

9. Something that's saving your life right now-- My new jeans.  I know might sound weird but I have spent years searching for jeans that actually fit me and are comfortable to wear.  I found these jeans at JC Penney and I liked them so much I ordered 5 more pairs!  I even ordered a few embellished pairs.

St. John's Bay® Secretly Slender Straight-Leg Jeans

10. Someone you see every day-- My husband!  Though I don't really see him everyday as he does occasionally have to travel for work.  Without my husband I would not have the life I do, he supports us financially and fully backs everything that I try to do for our family.  He has been the center of my world for most of my life and I could not imagine a day without this wonderful, loving man.

11. Something you enjoy doing-- That's easy; blogging! I blog and write because it's a labor of love for me.  Something that I do for me that is just mine.  Something I can look at with pride and think "I did that!"  I enjoy blogging tremendously and all the blogging ladies/ friends I have made.  I may not have met any of them in real life and our relationships are certainly not as deep or perhaps even as lasting as friends I have made in real life there are many bloggers that make me smile, that I interact with, and enjoy conversing with almost daily on- line.  It's a special community that I am thankful to have found and be a part of.

12. Someone female-- My mom and sisters!  OK so I know the prompt said someone but I could not let this post go by without mentioning a few of the wonderful females in my life.  My mother is a wonderfully loving woman who has taught me most everything I know about mothering.  She has encouraged me all my life and is always there for support, encouragement, and just if I need anything.  My sisters and I share a special bond too.  We enjoy hanging out with each other just because we want to and not because we have to.

13. A special place-- The great outdoors.  I know this might not be considered a special place but there is just something about being outside in nature that really appeals to me.  Add in all the beautiful foliage, the crunch of the leaves on the ground, and the crisp cool air and I am happiest out in the woods or out of doors on sunny, fall days.

14. Someone male-- I already mentioned my husband and boys...  But truly they are the greatest blessings in my life so one more mention won't hurt.

15. Something Warm-- Throw blankets! I love snuggling up with throw blankets on the couch at this time of the year.  Truthfully I enjoy them best with a roaring fire, a mug of cocoa, a good book or two, and a thick comfy sweatshirts on so that would be multiple warm things but I just love my blankets.

The original writing prompt:

Linking Up With:


by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg

Party in your PJs is a Tuesday evening link party that starts at 7:00 p.m. (Mountain time) through Sunday night at midnight. Come and join in the fun!


  1. Any woman who would buy 5 pairs of jeans because finally she found something that fits! is my kinda gal. Good for you. I do almost the same exact thing. I buy two pairs. But you have me rethinking that!
    Excellent list and great answers.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you! I used to only buy two pairs of jeans/ pants when I found some I liked but find that stores are changing inventory and styles over so often that it takes me much longer to find pants I like. So, now when I find a pair I like I really stock up. :)

    2. Plus they were on sale for only $14 at the time!! Can't pass up a bargain.

  2. WHAT a fun and fabulous list! I love it! And those jeans? Are you kidding me? I had an easier time finding a husband who fit than I do finding jeans that fit. No wonder you ordered 5 pairs. I'm so happy for you! ;) Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. P.S. Stopping by from Love to Learn! Thank you again so much for the honor of being featured!

    2. I literally laughed out loud (and completely agree!) over having an easier time finding a husband than jeans. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for stopping by.


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