Books My Boys Read in October

I wasn't sure I was going to be able to write a post this month about the books my boys had been reading.  We went on vacation in early October and we took two weeks off from school so I figured the list of books would be quite small this month.

My boys surprised me though and actually did a lot of reading!  Here are the books they've been reading:

Footprints in the Snow

Wings of Fire: Darkness of Dragons

Tales of a Terrarian Warrior: Snow Fight

The 39 Story Treehouse 

Real Friends

The 52 Story Treehouse

Treasure On Superstition Mountain

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard; The Hammer of Thor

Jedi Academy; The Force Oversleeps

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Ultimate Guide Book

Flight of the Moon Dragon

Search of the Lightening Dragon

Hamstersaurus Rex

The Magnificent 12; The Power

Wolves of the Beyond; Star Wolf 

The Accidental Hero

National Geographic Sea Otters

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