My Favorite Teachers from My School Days

I had the hardest time writing this post!

Not because I didn't have wonderful teachers but mostly because I had so many great ones that stood out in my mind!

I did realize though that the teachers that stood out most in my mind now were not necessarily the ones I thought of as favorites during my school years.  As a student I tended to love those teachers that were fun and easy; often letting the work slide and telling us stories or playing games.

But looking back those teachers that really stand out and made a huge impression on me were the ones who were actually quite tough and pushed us to grow, learn, and change.  They also just happened to be the ones that taught some of my favorite subjects; math, reading, art and science!

I'll always remember my 4th grade teacher Mr. Neal.  He was so passionate about science and helped us put on an amazing school play.  I was Auntie Em from the Wizard of Oz (the only role I could really play since I was in a cast by the time we had to perform) and we transformed our school library into a stage.  I'll also never forget that our school elevator broke down one day when I was on crutches and he carried me up and down the stairs!  I was not a petite fourth grader and he was not a large man but I never heard him complain.  He was sweet and funny and as I grew up I ended up babysitting for his children quite often.  They too were super sweet and his entire family will always have a place in my heart.

I'm the one in white sitting on the chair (my cast was hidden by the audience)

Another teacher that stands out would be Mrs. Wade.  I actually had her as a teacher for two different grades in middle school and while she was often tough; demanding our best work.  She was wonderful.  I remember her hugs after watching the movie Alex The Life of a Child; which made me cry so much.  I remember her jumping in and performing at our 8th grade talent show and singing right along with all us girls.  I can even remember her voice and her precise way of speaking.

I'm still convinced that my eighth grade math teacher, Mrs. Waters, didn't really like me (I can't say she was ever really mean; just a bit stand offish).  Yet, I will always be grateful for her for noticing that I was bored in class and encouraging me to work ahead and on my own in our math book. I can remember learning basic algebra with her help and that gave me a real leg up in high school.

I always loved art and drawing and had been taking private lessons with my grandmother from the time I was 5 years old so my high school art teacher had to make this list!  Ms. Dunn was amazing and funny and bubbly.  My senior year I spent 4 periods a day with her!  She helped me write up my own course of study for three of those classes and was always smiling.  She encouraged me in all my endeavors and even used her own money to buy a frame for one of my paintings.. it still hangs on my wall!
She had a quirky sense of style that I just loved!!  

The painting she helped me frame. 

Linking Up With:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg

Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635


  1. Such a sweet art teacher! And I love the much work but what a great memory. Hope you have a fabulous week!

    1. She was wonderful! The play was a lot of work but so much fun and the whole class worked together to create it.

  2. Sounds like you had some really wonderful teachers. Love all these memories! Thanks for linking up with us this week!

  3. I have to say Mrs. Purvis. She was my biology teacher and homeroom teacher in high school and she loved me so much. She had taught my father too and he deserted our family when I was 10, so she was very indignant about that and took me under her wing.

    1. Aw, that is sweet! I had so many teachers that made me feel loved and safe and made school a joy. It was such a blessing.

  4. As a retired teacher, I appreciate your gratefulness to teachers who made a difference.

    1. As a former teacher myself I know it's not an easy job but I did feel it was the relationships I made and the difference I was having on the lives of the kids in my class that made it all worth it.

  5. This is such a wonderful idea for a post!! And a great encouragement to teachers of how much they impact their students, for a lifetime.

    Thanks for sharing your own stories.

    1. I'd love to take credit for the idea but it wasn't mine. I did enjoy writing though and looking back over all the teachers I had in school.


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