Not Back to School Field Trip to the Ecotarium

The children in our town all headed back to school yesterday and, in what has become a homeschooling tradition for us, we spent the day on a field trip. Typically we head to the beach, the zoo, or the aquarium. Yesterday we headed to the Ecotarium in hopes of getting a glimpse at their new baby otter. Unfortunately, the otters were not cooperating and we never got to see them. Luckily, there were lots of new exhibits and a few of our old favorites to check out. We saw lots of live animals. This turtle cracked us up The porcupine seemed undecided as to whether or not he should go outside Alec sat in a mini class about camouflage and got to feel an arctic fox pelt. We saw an albino skunk For once the opossum was up and about; he came walking right up to the glass We also saw two other varieties of turtles, lots of frogs, a red tailed hawk and a sugar glider. The boys learned about city life in their new exhibit. We learne...