Weekly Wrap-Up: 4th of July Celebrations

We had what felt like a whole week of partying!  We spent lots of time in and on the lake boating, swimming, and jet skiing.  It was the perfect 4th of July celebration week.

Alec finished his cake on Friday, frosting the whole thing, adding his decorations on top and finishing it off with some festive sprinkles.  The boys all played together most of the morning while I made strawberry jam, strawberry bread, a fruit platter, and some cole slaw.  Ian went to help my husband try and repair our boat while the younger two boys stayed home and watched Wild Kratts.

We had a huge family cookout on Saturday to celebrate the 4th of July.  The boys spent the day swimming, jet skiing, tubing, boating, riding four wheelers, playing volleyball, corn hole, and yard Jenga.  We ate and ate and ate and had a great time visiting with the whole entire family.

Sunday we headed back to the cottage to help clean- up and we stayed for lunch, trying to eat up some of the leftovers. The boys played in the lake all afternoon and we never made it back home until dinnertime.

Ian headed out to go fishing with his grandfather Monday morning and Alec got busy making some cupcakes.  Evan and Alec worked together to clean the boat.  It was finally working and we put it in the water.  The boys went tubing with their grandfather and spend the day swimming and playing in the water.  I don't think I saw them at all from 11-3!  They had a great time.  Once they arrived home, Alec and I headed out to run a few errands while the other two boys talked their dad into taking them tubing again.

Tuesday Alec made some red, white and blue frosting and frosted his cupcakes.  Ian and Evan helped clean up the beach and we set up our hammock.  Ian had a great time running the excavator and loader.  We then loaded up the car and headed to a friends house for a fourth of July party.  The boys spent most of the day swimming and the older two boys tried their hand at paddle boarding.

Ian had a friend over Wednesday and he helped Ian and Evan work a bit more on cleaning up the beach while Alec painted another picnic table.  The boys swam for a bit and I went kayaking alongside Ian and his friend while they swam over to the rope swing and the bridge.  After lunch they all tried their hand at catching fish using a net and went for jet ski rides with my mother in law.  We dropped Ian's friend off at home and took a quick trip to the library.  After dinner we all went with my husband to get a load of sand and stopped for some ice cream.  We arrived home to no power and the boys all spent the next few hours playing in the giant pile of sand until bedtime.  (We never got power back until after midnight).

Thursday the boys all stayed home with their grandmother while I took off for a fun day of shopping with my mom-- we try to do this each year around my birthday.  We had lunch together and enjoyed trying on all a lot of clothes.  The boys told me that Alec painted picnic tables again and they all went swimming for a bit.  They also went to go get ice cream-- again!  Alec picked out a dessert to make for my birthday and wrote up a grocery list of ingredients he's going to need.  After dinner Evan met up with a friend of his that had moved cross country and was visiting on vacation. He was THRILLED!


  1. Oh my! I love the cupcakes and cake. Your son has a gift. The sand pit brings back such happy memories of when my kids were younger.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you! He really enjoys pushing himself to keep trying new things baking wise. We just spread out sand all over our beach this weekend and the boys asked if we could get one last bucketful and make another giant pile for playing in. They're loving it.

  2. You definitely had a full and fun week. But that is what summer should be all about, letting the kids go outdoors and play to their hearts content.

    1. Exactly! It was one of the first weeks that I sat back and thought " now this is summer!"


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