Homeschooling Through the Alphabet: R is for Recreation

We love all the freedoms we have while homeschooling but I think one of the things I love the most is that we have so much free time. Once our schoolwork is done for the day we have lots of time for relaxing and enjoying life.

Defined as a pastime, diversion, exercise or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment, recreation became my go to word for the letter r.

We are so blessed to have so much time for recreation.

Yesterday, after what felt like weeks of rain, we had a gloriously sunny day.  The temperatures warmed up and even though the water was cold we knew we wanted to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air.

We decided to go kayaking and canoeing-- one of our favorite recreational activities for spring and summer.

It was quiet on the lake and we saw birds and turtles, felt the cool breeze on our faces and enjoyed basking in the sun.

Homeschooling Through the Alphabet:

A is for Awe
B is for Boisterous
C is for Creativity
D is for Determination
E is for Expectations
F is for Fun
G is for Games
H is for Heart
I is for Independence
J is for Journey
K is for Kitchen
L is for Longevity
M is for Moments
N is for Nature
O is for Options
P is for Personalized 
Q is for Quicker 


  1. Replies
    1. It was so great to get out in nature again and at least on the water we didn't have to deal with all the millions of gypsy moth caterpillars.

  2. Looks like a time of renewal and relaxation for all!

  3. what a gorgeous area you live in

  4. what a gorgeous area you live in

    1. Thank you! It is very pretty; especially this time of year when it's nice and quiet.

  5. I'd love to have a canoe to go do this with my little one. It really must be great to have the flexibility and freedom to head out the door after the school work. Life is certainly an experience for your boys!

    ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬

    1. We sure do try! We repaired an old broken canoe so this was our first run out with it on the lake and it worked beautifully.


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