Botanical Gardens Field Trip

I took the boys to the botanical gardens on Friday.  They were having a special exhibit of fairy houses and while I know my boys aren't huge into fairies or anything I figured it would give us all a chance to see the gardens with a little added interest.

We had a great time!

We started our day with a picnic in the park and a bit of time playing on the playground.  The trees were all in bloom and it was so pretty and peaceful.

We walked over to the gardens and were told that there were over 100 houses hidden away within the 4 greenhouses and grounds.  Don't worry; I only took a picture of a few... well, maybe more than a few but nowhere near 100!

Evan was quite taken with the fairy ship.

There were quite a few houses set up in the water too. 

We all thought this fairy funland was adorable; complete with water slides and zip lines.

My favorite had to be this little library; complete with all those mini books! 

Tucked in among plants or set alongside the waterfalls; they were all adorable.

We saw many neat plants and flowers too.

They were releasing ladybugs the day that we were there.  The boys were each asked if they'd like to hold a ladybug and release it onto a nearby plant when they were done with it.

Linking Up With:

Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635


  1. This looks like a fun trip. I love the little houses!
    I'm stopping by from The Homeschool Nook. :-)

    1. We had a great time; it is so neat to see all the little details!

  2. Those are awesome pictures and what a great idea. My girls would have loved that! We went to our most local Botanical Gardens a few weeks ago and the girls had a great time. Fairies would tip them over the edge!

    1. They had a scavenger hunt set up with little rubber stamps and stories to go along with a few select houses; it was so well done. We were very impressed.

  3. I shall have to show this to my younger girls - so cool!

    1. It was so neat! My middle son and I are going to try making our own fairy houses one day real soon. We just started gathering supplies today.

  4. Oh, I love the fairy houses. The book one is my favorite too! :)

    1. It's just incredible to see all the details and the cute little touches they think to use and add.

  5. Great post! I love all the photos and the many learning opportunities outdoors!

  6. Something so magical about lady bugs, and such gorgeous photos. I love seeing the trees in bloom! My children love visiting the gardens, I just really want to crate a beautiful space in our own garden. We have started now, so slowly we will get there. #mg

    1. We think so too; we actually found a ladybug habitat and raised them one year through a company called insectlore.

  7. Unbelievable those fairy houses.I wish you took picture of all 100.Magical.That library was soo adorable.I wish I could visit .Lovely .This made my day.Visiting from #mg

    1. I wish I would have taken a picture of them all; unfortunately my camera told me it was full when we were less than a 1/3 of the way through and I had kept the case in my car so I didn't have another SD card handy (and we were not parked close by) :(

  8. Unbelievable those fairy houses.I wish you took picture of all 100.Magical.That library was soo adorable.I wish I could visit .Lovely .This made my day.Visiting from #mg

  9. Those fairy houses are just magical aren't they? Like something you'd find in Tinkerbell. Just magical! #mg

    1. They certainly are! I was just in awe of all the tiny little details and how unique each one was.

  10. We also went to see the fairy houses at the botanical gardens and I took about 100 pictures! My kids are planning to do a fairy camp when their ps friends are on summer vacation so we can make a bunch of fairy houses for the yard.

    1. Oh how fun! I was only able to convince one of my boys to make a fairy house with me.. we're assembling our project materials and hope to start within the next week.

  11. So nice to be out in nature - and those fairy houses are precious! Thanks for linking up to Take Me Away!

    1. The houses were quite something; so much detail!

  12. Those fairy houses are so darling, but you didn't say where the gardens are. What city? Visiting from Take Me Away.

    1. Sorry about that; these were in Providence, Rhode Island.


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