The Best Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cupcakes.... EVER!

Alec made the most amazing chocolate peanut butter cupcakes this past weekend.

We started with this basic chocolate cupcake recipe found on Annie's Eats.  Using her ingredients and directions he mixed up a nice thick batch of batter.  However since Alec decided to omit the peanut butter filling our batch made 18 cupcakes.

Chocolate cupcake:
1 2/3 cup flour
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup sour cream
2 Tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
8 Tablespoons butter, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 large eggs

In a medium bowl he combined flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt.  In a small bowl he combined sour cream, milk and extract.  In the bowl of our stand mixer he combined the sugar and butter over medium speed until well mixed and then added in the two eggs.  He slowly added some of the flour mixture then the sour cream mixture and ended with the flour mixture.

Using his large scoop he filled the cupcake liners 3/4 of the way full and baked the cupcakes at 350 for 18 minutes.  At this point he gave away 1/2 the cupcakes he had baked.

The next morning Alec mixed up his own filling.  He wanted a nice fluffy peanut butter buttercream frosting but since we mixed it a bit thick we decided to use it inside the cupcake as a filling and it worked out perfectly!

Filling: Enough for only 1/2 the cupcakes; make sure you double it to fill the whole batch

1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp peanut butter
2 cups powdered sugar
3 Tbsp milk
3 tsp. vanilla extract

We put the filling in a Ziploc bag and snipped the corner off.  Using our cupcake corer we cut the center out of the cupcake and filled them with our peanut filling.  We then cut the tops off of the pieces we had cored out of the cupcake and placed them back on top of our filling sealing it inside the chocolate cupcake.

Since he only had 9 cupcakes to fill we had plenty of filling left.

Frosting: Enough for 1/2 the cupcakes; make sure to double for a whole batch
Filling recipe above
1 Tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Knowing that we wanted fluffier buttercream frosting we put all the filling back into the bowl and added another cap full of vanilla extract and milk (about 1 tsp. and 1 Tbsp. respectively).  If we were making enough filling and frosting for the full 18 cupcakes we would have doubled our filling recipe and still just added more liquid slowly until we had the desired consistency.

He piped the frosting on and then topped the cupcakes with chopped Reece's peanut butter cups.

They were just perfect! The cake was fluffy and the filling was light airy with just the right hint of peanut butter. They ended up being the hit of the party!

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  1. These sound delicious! Thank you for sharing your recipe. I'm visiting from Make my Saturday Sweet.

    1. They were unbelievable! My son has been making a lot of cupcakes lately and this one was by far our family favorite.

  2. That certainly makes my Saturday sweet! Those look so good. Well done to Alec! Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More (Make My Saturday Sweet). Wishing you a blessed weekend!

  3. I am not a cupcake person... but these would be tempting! They look great and moist. :)

    1. They were! So good that I was thankful he only made 6 for us to keep at home!

  4. They look yummy and my mouth is drooling! Being sugar free surely is hard sometimes :)

    1. Didn't mean to tempt you! You're doing so well with it too.

  5. They do sound absolutely delicious, thank you for sharing the recipe at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!

  6. Thank you for attending the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty. I shared your post on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.

  7. Chocolate and peanut butter... I don't think you can ever go wrong with these two things (as demonstrated by these cupcakes -- they look DIVINE)!

  8. Oh my these cupcakes sound delicious. My grandkids would love them. Thank you for sharing our recipe at the Snickerdoodle Create~Bake~Make link party! I am featuring you tomorrow at Snickerdoodle.

  9. Oh wow, these look amazing! Yummy I could just eat one. Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop.

  10. Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick at #ThursdayFavoriteThings this week. Visit me at on thursday morning to see your feature! All hosts choose their own features from the comments left on their blog so be sure to return to my blog to see your feature. I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please don’t forget to add your link numbers or post title so we can be sure to visit!

  11. I just love Chocolate Cupcakes and these look amazing! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday and please come back soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thank you; I thought they were pretty amazing.


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