Art Project #79-- Minecraft Digital Art

I asked my boys what they wanted to do for art and mostly I got a lot of grumbling and complaining.  When the boys mentioned that they wished they could do art on the computer or the Xbox.

My response: "Oh, you mean digital art?"

That was all it took.  They were off and running each deciding to build something for me to photograph in Minecraft.

There is a time when I might have reminded them that we don't play video games during the school day.  A time when I might have directed them to something that fit my definition of art; but I try as often as I can to let them lead us in our school day.

My boys love Minecraft and I've found that I don't mind them playing since they use a lot of creativity to build new houses, new furniture, tunnels, tracks, boats, and more.

Yet, it wasn't until they asked that I really thought; Hey, that's ART!  I just knew it would be the perfect addition to our 100 Days of Art Challenge! 

Alec made a rainbow with a pot of gold:

Evan made an island suspended above his world; complete with waterfall, trees and stable:

Ian made a pirate ship and asked his brothers to help him (when they were done their own pictures):

Did you notice his figureheads?
Alec decided to go back and add a giant leprechaun standing in front of his rainbow; holding a 4 leaf clover and a golden coin:

This was the most excited I have ever seen all three boys get at the idea of art. It amazes me how fast they can build this stuff too!  I know I need to embrace the digital resources we have and use them more often.

Our other art projects:
Project 3: Star Wars Crafts
Project 5: Floral pens
Project 6: Watercolor outlines
Project 13: Water gun art
Project 14: Watercolor Kits
Project 15: Dragonfly Silhouettes 
Project 16: Painting pet rocks 
Project 17: Spray Paint Resist
Project 18: Water bottle windsock
Project 20: Tin can windsock 
Project 21: Firework glue art
Project 22: Qixel art kit
Project 26: Spray Painted Canvas
Project 28: Tin Foil Art
Project 29: Oil Pastel Bubbles 
Project 32: Drip Painted Pots
Project 33: Sun Art 
Project 36: Art Museum field trip. 
Project 39: Painting Pikachu 
Project 40: How to Draw Books
Project 42: Splatter Paint Canvas
Project 46: Tissue Paper Leaf Art
Project 50: Drawing Cat Faces 
Project 51: Making Homemade cards
Project 53: 3-D printing 
Project 54: Gingerbread Train
Project 57: Candy trees 


  1. Digital art - yes! I am so going to "steal" your 100 days of art idea. :-)

    1. Go for it! Today we made charcoal drawings. I am trying so hard to incorporate ALL the arts! I'm still searching for a fun and easy sewing project.

  2. How fun! My 4 year old loves playing Minecraft, though she likes doing "real" art too. ;) She loved your son's pirate ship, btw. ;) Stopping by from the This is How We Roll link up.

    1. Thank you! I have one boy that loves art in all it's form and two reluctant artists that will join in on some of our "real" art projects.

  3. Very cool! My children love Minecraft.

    1. Mine love it and I do enjoy when they show me what they've made. They can get so creative!

  4. I LOVE this! What a wonderful example of valuing our children's interests and using them to help them learn. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. I'm stopping by from Homeschool Blog and Tell. :-) I love this. When my son was a little younger he loved doing projects on Minecraft. For one of our history lessons he built a to scale model of the Great Pyramid. It wasn't work because he loved it. :-) My youngest daughter loves it now and makes all kinds of things! It can really encourage their creativity.

    1. My oldest son once made a replica of the Argo II ship that the Heroes of Olympus were using; based on the descriptions in the book. I have challenged them a time to to recreate famous buildings and landmarks too.

  6. My son saw this and thought it looked cool! I think both my boys would love the idea of Digital Art with Minecraft!

    1. I often wish I could join in with them but I get so dizzy and turned around! It's amazing to watch them build. I do love to see how creative they can be.

  7. What a fun way to combine art and tech - and a hobby that so many kids enjoy! Thanks for sharing this neat idea on the Virtual Fridge!


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