Weekly Wrap- Up: Our "Spring" Vacation Week

Evan finished off his math book last Friday and Ian was taking an end of unit test in his math book when I told the boys that we'd be taking this whole week off from school. Each of them took turns saying "except for spelling" "except for reading" "except for math"... and I said no excepts; the whole week! No work. We need a break and this is a good time to take one. We tried to plan something fun to break up each day but expected to spend a lot of time around the house just relaxing. On Friday , they each took their spelling tests and got a 100. Ian did decide to just do two of the three pages in his unit test on Friday and asked me to set out the last page for him to do on Monday so I guess he'll be doing a bit of work on our week off but I hope that's all. Alec whipped through two more pages in his math book and all three boys did a bit of reading. Evan finished up Cheetahs while Alec read a couple more chapters in the Crysta...