Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Played All Those Games

We had such a busy week and while I don't feel like we did much schoolwork we did a whole lot of learning!  Now that our 31 day gameschooling challenge has ended we've really gotten into playing games.  My boys are asking to play games most afternoon after school ends or to fill in time between dinner and bed.

Friday we got an early jump on our schoolwork before heading out for a fun nature center class on winter birds.  The boys each took their spelling tests and passed to the next lists.  They all worked on some math and did a bit of reading.  Evan read Surf's Up, Alec read some more in Foxcraft and Ian read a bit more in The Kidnapped King.  I read one chapter aloud from The Medusa Plot.  Once at the nature center we listened to a talk about winter birds, the types of birds that stay in our area and how they modify their eating habits and even their feathers to adapt.  The boys then made their own bird feeders out of recycled materials and we all headed out for a hike to see if we could find any signs of winter birds in the area.

The younger boys had a birthday party to attend on Saturday.  They had a great time bowling and we went for a long family hike in the woods right before dinner.  It was a little chilly but it was nice to get out in the fresh air and do some exercising after being cooped up all afternoon.

On Sunday we tackled a project we've been talking about for almost a year; we started re-painting our living room.  It's a two story room and repainting it requires the use of a lift or some scaffolding; which means I can't do it alone with just the help of the boys like I usually do.  We pulled just about everything out of the room and the younger boys helped me Spackle any holes in the wall while Ian went to work with his father getting the lift ready for us to use.  Ian did help with a bit of the painting too and even tried getting up on the lift.

Monday my husband decided at the last minute to stay home with us so we could finish painting and while I felt a bit bad he was taking time off from work I was so relieved to know that we could have our living room back in a timely manner.  We had brought furniture from the living room into just about every other room in the downstairs and it was not easy finding things when we needed it.  I told the boys they could have most of the day off from school but they did need to start on their next spelling unit, work on some math, and do a bit of reading.  Alec and Ian helped out painting; each even taking a turn or two on the lift and painting the higher walls!  Ian drew up a sketch of the screening plant he'd like to make (with the help of my husband) to go with the rest of his toy trucks.

My younger two boys went to karate and then we headed home to tackle our schoolwork later in the day on Tuesday.  The boys had to work in their spelling workbook and do some reading then we planned to use games to cover all the other subjects today.  Evan and Alec each read the book Ninja! Attack of the Clan while Ian read a bit more of the Kidnapped King.  Then we played all of the games we got from Oriental Trading:  Tri- FACTa, state and capital matching game, Suspend, presidential bingo, and sight word Splat.  We read a few chapters in The Medusa Plot together too but decided to skip our other books for the day.

Wednesday we got a jump start on our schoolwork because Alec had an orthodontic appointment.  Alec and Evan read Ninja Boy Goes to School.  Alec also started reading his Wings of Fire book 9- Talons of Power.  Ian finished The Kidnapped King.  The boys each worked in their spelling books and either did 2 pages in math or worked on Khan Academy for 15 minutes.  Alec, Evan and I played Disney Scene it?  Evan and I played Harry Potter Scene it?  and then Alec and I played Mario Chess.  Ian spent quite a lot of time outside shoveling and playing in the snow.  We did read a few more chapters in The Medusa Plot and another chapter in Darling, Mercy Dog of war.

We had a nice lazy day on Thursday.  I made french toast and sausage for breakfast and then called everyone to the table.  We started on our read aloud and read two more chapters in The Medusa Plot.  All three boys worked in their spelling books,  worked on math, took a minute test on math facts, and did some reading.  Evan read Nighttime Ninja, Alec finished up Talons of Power and Ian took  day off from reading after finishing up his book yesterday.  Alec and Ian worked in their English and grammar book.  We stacked wood in the wood rack and went outside for a good 30 minutes or so.  We threw snowballs and went for a walk.  The boys all worked on a fun Valentine's day art project.  We made geometric hearts with oil pastels.  After lunch the boys asked to play some games.  Alec, Evan and I played Harry Potter Scene it? Then Ian, Alec and I played Disney Scene it?   Ian asked me to play the Clumsy Thief with him.  After dinner we played a few family games too.  We played Star Wars Trivia.  Ian, my husband and myself played Scene it?  And then Evan and Alec joined us for a few rounds of Scattergories.


  1. Those boys are so adorable! Sure takes me back! We still love playing games when we can.

    1. Aw, thanks! They have really gotten into playing board games lately and I just love it. We're finally past that stage of pouting and fighting when someone is loosing too so it's actually fun.

  2. Gameschooling sounds like a pretty neat challenge! I like the cover of Foxcraft - looks like an interesting book! Thanks for joining us at Homeschool Highlights again this week

    1. Gameschooling has been so much fun! My middle son has really been enjoying Foxcraft.

  3. I can't remember if I hit sent on my comment before I close your tab. :) You mario chess set made me smile...and Foxcraft looks fascinating so I've ordered it from the library. visiting from homeschool highlights.

  4. We have that chess set too, but we don't play with it like that. Mine uses them as action figures ha ha! That lift looks like it was loads of fun for the whole family.

    Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity

    1. I was really surprised that they didn't turn into action figures! But it's Alec's game and he stores it in a special spot in his room. Everyone enjoyed the lift... except for me. I would not get on that thing for anything!

  5. Great photos. What a busy week! Thanks so much for linking up at #familyfriday we appreciate it! We hope you come back next week.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It was a pretty busy week.


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