Homeschooling Through the Alphabet: A is for Awe

I was reading this wonderful blog post the other day about homeschooling middle school and I thought "OH I should Pin this for the future.  I'm going to need this someday and I want to remember it!!"

Then it hit me I AM homeschooling middle school.

In fact I have not one but two kids in middle school.

I just stood there in awe for a few minutes wondering how that had happened!

How do I now have two kids in middle school?  How have the years flown by that much without my really noticing?

In fact, I have one that is mid- way through 7th grade and heading well onto his LAST YEAR of middle school.

I was in AWE.

Awe is defined as a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear and wonder.... it definitely seems to define how I feel.

I am so excited that we've made it this far in our homeschooling journey and that things are going so well but I am so nervous for all that lies ahead!  Only a year and a half until I have a high schooler?  Gulp!  I have to start researching high school requirements, looking into how to keep records and write up a transcript.. it feels overwhelming.

I can remember when it was scary and overwhelming to be thinking of teaching middle school.
The good news is homeschooling middle school was so much easier than I thought it was going to be!  Seriously where did all my anxiety, fears and pressure to homeschool middle school "the right way" go?

I can remember what it felt like to be scared to start homeschooling period!  It was nerve wracking wondering if we were doing the right thing, if I was going to fail at teaching my children, and if I was teaching them anything at all.

Now I look at my three boys and I see how much they've grown.  I've taken one boy from barely knowing his letters and numbers to reading, adding mutli- digit numbers, multiplying and writing!

I've watched my middle son blow through book after book, soaking up knowledge faster than a sponge and stump so many adults with the difficult questions he asks as he yearns to always know more.

I've watched my oldest son gain confidence in his skills at building, measuring, and putting together projects.  I'm watching him turn into a young man as he slowly leaves childhood behind.

I am in awe that I get to spend all this time with my boys watching them grow and yet the time still flies right by.

Linking Up With:

JENerally Informed


  1. You deserve to feel very proud! Congratulations!

  2. it's in the best to watch our children mature? :) wondering now what your b word will be. :)

  3. My hat goes off to you for any level of homeschooling! Sounds like you've got this well in hand. Can you come over and teach me some patience? 😬 Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!

    1. Ha! Patience is a virtue isn't it.... my boys will tell you I don't have much and should not be the one giving lessons.

  4. I have to give anyone who home schools credit. What an awesome parent you are. We did not have home schooling when my kids were young, at least it was not common, but have known many who do home school and I envy that time you have with them. it seems time goes fast no matter how we try to prolong it.
    Good luck with the kids, I am sure you are doing an awesome job.
    Thanks for sharing at Over The moon party,

    1. Aw, thank you! We are so fortunate to have found our way to homeschooling.

  5. I'm in awe that I've graduated two daughters from high school, homeschooling them for their middle and high school. Both are now thriving in college. Great post and series.

    1. Thank you!! Congrats on those thriving college grads!


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