Homeschool Weekly Re-Cap: The Week of Halloween

We had a fun and quiet week.  I was so thankful to turn the calendar to November and see that there were hardly any days filled in; after October's flurry of activities we needed a break! Of course we still kept plenty busy but it feels different when we get to choose what we do most days rather than just running to keep up with our schedule.  We're turning our thoughts ahead to the holiday and the boys have even bought (and wrapped a few!) Christmas presents for each other.

Physical Education:  We spent two hours at an aerial obstacle course on Sunday enjoying lots of family time climbing through the trees. 

The boys and I also went out on a nature walk one day looking for some new things to photograph. Here are some of the boys' new photos that they took.

The kids all played on the playground with their friends one afternoon.

Life skills: The boys helped stack wood all weekend and we got our wood stove all cleaned out and ready to use this winter.  The boys also helped clean the house and Ian worked with my husband on some door hinges for our shed. Ian has recently discovered an affinity for grinding the metal welds and was so eager to help!  Ian mowed his great grandfather's lawn mulching up all of his fallen leaves and went to work with my husband one day helping to install a new rake for the hydro. He is loving that his schoolwork has allowed him to work so much during the day!

Spelling/Language Arts:  Both boys completed another week of lessons in their spelling books.  Evan worked on a few more lessons in his word family workbook while the older two boys worked on another lesson in their English book.  All three boys completed another page in their cursive books.  The older boys worked in their grammar book one morning too.  All three boys are also working on fill out a 30 Days of Gratitude worksheet; writing down one thing they are thankful for each day.

Math:  Each of the boys worked on two more workbook pages in their math workbooks a few days this week.  Alec took a bit of a break from his book and we found some worksheets on mean, median, mode and range for him to work on instead.  After working on one page figuring the mean, I allowed him to use the calculator for the next page.  But we really need to find a new solution for math as it's just so darn painful to get him to work. The older boys also completed another set of pages in their Are You a Math Genius? books.

Science:  We worked hard to wrap up our science fair projects this week. Alec and I read up about Ocelots and three different websites and typed up a few pages of facts.  We started assembling his board and picked up his snack as well as printing out a few coloring and activity pages for his hands on component.  Evan finished up his board about Parrots and read a few more books about them.  He also read Time for Kids Animals to me this week.  Ian put together a few more solar panel projects and we bought the supplies for his snack and hands on project.

Motorcycle with side car

The younger boys attended an engineering class at our local museum; they worked on making blueprints before digging in to building.  This week they were challenged to make a pendulum, a tunnel, and a geo dome.

Evan read 1/2 of his Ranger Rick Jr. magazine, completing all the activities inside too.   Alec and Evan read About mammals; a Guide for Children.

Reading: Ian read another A to Z Mysteries book.  Alec read another Pokemon book; cover to cover, word for word in just a few days.  He also read quite a few more chapters in The Golden Compass. Evan read The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark, Cookie's Week.   We read a few more pages in Demigods and Magicians and listened to a bit more of our book on CD; The Blood of Olympus.
We started reading Into the Gauntlet.

History/ Geography:  The boys have been asking about how the government works, how elections and the electoral college works, etc. so this week we decided to watch some the School House Rock videos that explain it.  We watched Three Ring Government, I'm Gonna Send Your Bill To Congress, and I'm Just a Bill.

Art:  We made cat face portraits one day this week.

The younger boys also had a fun morning making cards in my craft room using my Cricut.

The boys have been practicing photography too!  Evan is showing real talent too; at least I think so.

Family Fun: We went Trick or Treating with my sisters, nieces, and nephews.  Evan was so thrilled to be able to finally wear his Hiccup costume.  Sadly it did end up in the trash when the night was over with lots of runs, pulls and holes in the fabric.  The boys had the best time and all the cousins spent time trading candies afterwards.


  1. Oh! Marshmellows and toothpicks! I loved that unit!

    1. It sure is lots of fun; though we learned that hard/stale marshmallows work better.

  2. A full rich week indeed! Love the art and the Halloween costumes! Enjoy the weekend!

  3. My boys would LOVE that aerial course!!! Looks like you had a super productive week. :)

  4. Boy, do I understand about turning the calendar page and finding white space. :) Your son's photos are beautiful, and I really like those cat faces.

    1. Thank you! I'm sure our calendar will fill up somewhat but it is a relief to know that things will slow down a bit.

  5. That course looks really fun, and his photographs are great!

    1. It was a lot of fun; though I am not a huge fan of heights so mostly I was just glad to get through a few.

  6. I have the same experience every time we turn over a calendar page and love seeing all the blank spaces, but they do tend to fill up, right?! Mine sure do. Loved reading about all your adventures and learning this week, and seeing the pictures. The engineering class looks especially fun! Thanks for linking up at Homeschool Highlights!

    1. They really do; I always think we'll have a nice relaxing month or week and then the next thing I know we're trying to squeeze in activities here and there.


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