Wordless Wednesday-- At the Zoo

Our zoo has trick- or- treating through the zoo during their last week in October and it's become a tradition to go with the boys.  They could not wait to put on their costumes and see all the animals.

Unfortunately, Evan's Hiccup costume ripped the moment he put it on and since he really, really, really wants to be Hiccup for Halloween we pulled out another costume to use for the day.  He pulled together his Batman costume in minutes and we were good to go.

It was chilly at the zoo but the animals were still pretty active and we had a great time!

Halloween pictures at the zoo are another tradition we have!

 The zoo hosts a creepy crawly show and we get to learn about creepy animals in honor of Halloween.  This year we learned about the hissing cockroach, the millipede, and snake.

These little cotton topped tamarins are my favorite and they make such cute little squeaky sounds

We got to hear the baby tapir and mama calling back and forth to one another!


  1. Oh, I wish our zoo had that many animals! Beautiful! It's a good thing you had an extra costume for him. They all looked so cute. :)

    1. Thankfully he's the youngest and we've accumulated a lot of costumes over the years!

  2. I love the costumes in the mix of the animals. You guys would enjoy our zoo - we have the top one in the world. It's Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. We should go there more. Our membership just got used up, so when we go we'll have to pay a lot.

    1. Oh we would! I have two boys that just LOVE zoo's. They all offer so many different animals to see and learn about.

  3. How fun to be able to go to the zoo. We don't have a zoo in our city--the nearest one is 5 hours away!

    1. Wow; that's a long drive! We have several fairly small ones all within an hour or so. Luckily they each have quite a few different animals so if we visit them all we get to see a large variety of animals.

  4. Aww, looks like they had a great time! Thanks for sharing with us at Funtastic Friday!

  5. this would be so much fun for any group. Looks like you all had a great time. Dressing up for the animals lol.

    1. I never thought of it like that but, yep, they dressed up for the animals! LOL.


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