Weekly Wrap- Up: Year #5 Week 1!

I can not believe how well this week went!  I know it was a short week and we didn't add in our spelling units yet but I was amazed at how well my boys worked each day and how quickly they completed school most mornings even though we had a few extra subjects added in this year.  I really hope our year keeps up like this because it was one of those weeks where school just flowed seamlessly!  Now if only the rest of our lives flowed as easily..

Science: We took Alec and Evan to Beardsley Zoo over the long weekend.  You can read all about our trip here.  Alec read The Science of Fun Stuff; Pulling Back the Curtain on Magic and The Cool Story Behind Snow.  We read Carolina's Story; Sea Turtles Get Sick too!  Ian started putting together his EEME kit for the month learning about the relationship between magnets and electricity.  Evan, Ian and myself went on a nature walk in the woods one day finding a new trail to try out in a nearby town.  Yesterday, Alec and I watched a heron on our lake catch a fish and swallow it down whole!

Life skills:  We spent one afternoon this weekend planning boards.  We checked on the wood we had made at the sawmill and those pieces that were dry enough for us to use as lumber were then ran through the planer.  My husband's family has a huge old planer that allows us to plane multiple boards at once.  The boys helped cart wood, feed lumber into the planer and remove it on the other side (we all took turns with the various jobs while listening to my husband's guidance). Alec then helped my husband use the newly planed boards to build some new soffits for our shed (that had rotted away).  He did a great job building with tools-- Alec even wanted to use the saws (though we wouldn't let him! Explaining that mistakes made on the saw could lead to serious injury).  Ian and Evan chose to spend the day out in the woods working on their fort instead; also using hand tools and problem solving their own design plan.  We all also worked together to clean the house; vacuuming and dusting.

Math: Ian finished up Key to Percents book 2 this week while Evan started working in Multiplication Facts Made Easy.  Alec worked on two more pages in his book each day.  All three boys completed two more pages in their Multiplication games book.  Ian and Alec completed two more pages in Are You a Math Genius?  Alec and Evan have been battling Yu Hi Oh cards and using so much math it's shocking!  We all enjoyed a fun game of Clue one rainy afternoon using our problem solving skills to figure out who done it?

Language arts:  Ian and Alec started working in their English & Grammar book completing just one page each.  Evan worked on two more pages in his spelling journal.  All three boys started with their new cursive books this week completing an assignment and Evan told me that he loves cursive!  (Of course he only wrote the upper and lower case A so far but at least it's a start).  The boys all worked on another page in the Draw Write Now books and Draw Through History; Evan and Alec learned about tidelands and flowing water while Ian learned about the Vikings and their longhouses.

History:  Ian  watched the series Harley and the Davidsons learning about the history of the Harley Davidson motorcycles.  We talked about eminent domain and saw first hand how businesses were effected by war and the great depression.  Ian finished the History of Fun Stuff: The scoop on Ice Cream and began reading The High Score and Lowdown on Video Games.  Evan and I read the History of fun stuff book on video games as well as The Tricks and Treats of Halloween.  Alec read The History of Fun Stuff: The Explosive Story of Fireworks! We all read The Story of the H.L. Hunley and Queenie's Coin.

Reading:  Evan started reading The Magic Tree House Night of the Ninth Dragon.  Alec finished reading The Empty Envelope and continued reading Key to Rondo.  Ian continued reading the Deadly Dungeon.  We read a few more chapters in the 39 Clues and listened to a bit more of our Heroes of Olympus CD.

Art:  Alec attended an open art class with my sister and nephews one day this week.  He had a great time and made a flower out of different colored pip cleaners.

We also worked on some watercolor resist pictures and had a great time making a splatter painted picture.

Health/Fitness:  Evan had a physical this week and we talked a lot about nutrition and physical fitness.  Alec stepped on a nail out in the woods one day so we also learned about wound care, tetanus, and the importance of immunizations.

Socialization: We took a trip to visit my grandmother at the nursing home and the boys had a great time talking with her physical therapists and some of the other residents.  The place my grandmother is staying has a few resident cats and birds and there was also a new puppy there; they had a great time learning all about the pets.


  1. I love how your history and science consists of LIFE, not textbooks. Movies, experiences, those are so fun!

  2. My son, Eli, liked the EEME kits, too. :)

    1. They're so much fun and he's really learning a lot.

  3. I love, love, love kiddo art. Keep inspiring them. You rock. It say I'm Alan bc Google is confused. This is April from stories of our boys. Ha!


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