Art Project #33; Sun Art

Continuing with our 100 Days of Art we made sun pictures!  I couldn't believe that I had not thought to do this project sooner.  It was so easy!

Partly I had forgotten all about the sun paper that we bought a few years ago (and only recently found when cleaning out our art cabinet) and partly I felt that we had done this project before and the boys weren't that into it.

I am so glad we decided to try it again!

This time around the boys LOVED it.  It took a bit of prompting but they finally remembered using our sun art paper a few summers back and then they were off and running picking out their supplies for their pictures.

It's such an easy and non- messy art project!

Indoors (or out of direct sunlight) as assembled their objects on the paper and then laid the glass (that comes in the package) over them.  This is to prevent objects from shifting in the wind and since Ian used a big toy truck he didn't use any glass.

Evan's arrangement with the glass 

Alec's arrangement 

Once the paper turns a very light blue (within just a few minutes in direct sun) we moved them back into the shade and removed the glass and objects.

The paper looks almost white 

But once we removed the objects we could see that it was still a very light blue
Then we took a tray of water and washed the paper off.  This part is a bit scary because it looks like the image washes away almost completely!

We set them aside to dry on a towel and it's amazing just how dark the paper gets.

If you want to try it you just need this special paper, some water and a sunny day! 

Our other art projects:
Project 1: Painting with Hexbugs
Project 2: Tissue paper flowers
Project 3: Star Wars Crafts
Project 4: Watercolor compass circles
Project 5: Floral pens
Project 6: Watercolor outlines
Project 7: Scratch art jellyfish
Project 8: Oil pastel flowers
Project 9: Fingerprint dandelions 
Project 10: Beaded Sun Catchers
Project 11: Bird Crafts and Snacks
Project 12: Color Mixing Butterflies
Project 13: Water Gun Art 
Project 14: Using Watercolor Kits
Project 15: Dragonfly Silhouette Paintings 
Project 16: Painting Pet Rocks
Project 17: Spray Paint Resist 
Project 18: Water Bottle Windsock 
Project 19: Stained Glass Kits 
Project 20: Tin Can Windsock
Project 21: Firework Glue Art
Project 22: Qixel Art
Project 23: Makit Bakit Kits 
Project 24: Wood Burning Project 
Project 25: Making Our Own Raft
Project 26: Spray Painted Canvas
Project 27: Paper Bowl Jellyfish 
Project 28: Tin Foil Art
Proejct 29: Oil Pastel Bubbles
Project 30: Chalk Pastel Paintings 
Project 31: Washi Tape Votive Holders
Project 32: Drip Painted Pots


  1. What a fun project! Love it! It must have been exciting to see the paper transform like that! I want to do it too. Wonder what's special about the sun art paper, I've never come across anything like it! I am so eager to try the other projects you've listed. Thank you for visiting my blog! ♥

    1. I'm thinking it must be some form of photo paper. I bought a pack a few years ago on Thanks for visiting back and I'm glad you liked it.

  2. I came to check things out from The Homeschool Nook Link Up. Looks like fun! What pretty designs!

  3. This is such a cool art project! I'll have to try it out with my kids. Thanks for joining the Family Joy Link Party!

  4. Super cool! I can't wait to try this with my boys:) Thanks for the great ideas!

  5. Wow! I LOVE this. I didn't even know you could buy sun paper. My son would love this project! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Whimsical Wednesdays Link Party! Have a wonderful week!


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