Art Project #29-- Oil Pastel Bubbles

We made some fun and easy bubbles last week as part of our 100 Days of Art.

The boys were a bit skeptical at first but they really enjoyed this project and we all were so happy with the results!

We took a few random objects out of our cabinet to trace (we ended up settling on nail polish, tuna fish, tomato paste, and a can of soup).  We also drew a few areas of dotted white to look like popped bubbles.

The boys traced a variety of circles onto their papers; overlapping some while using oil pastels.

Once we had all of our circle we went through and added some highlights to the bubbles in two or three areas.  Some highlights were small while others were large.  We used a variety of colors in our bubbles and kept our highlights near the outside of our circles.

Before we knew it we had a whole page of bubbles!

Our other art projects:
Project 1: Painting with Hexbugs
Project 2: Tissue paper flowers
Project 3: Star Wars Crafts
Project 4: Watercolor compass circles
Project 5: Floral pens
Project 6: Watercolor outlines
Project 7: Scratch art jellyfish
Linking Up With:

JENerally Informed

artsy-fartsy mama


  1. these really do look bubble like and so easy to recreate i might just try. Pinning it. #TheRealCraftyLinkParty

    1. Thanks for the Pin; I was surprised just how easy these were to make.

  2. Those turned out gorgeous! I can't wait for school to start back up so we can get back to our art sessions here.

  3. Cute! My daughter, the artist in our house, is sure going to love this! Added to The Really Crafty Link Party Pinterest board. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I love your series!! Will go through the whole list - now that we have to get back to after school art :)


    1. I hope you find lots of great ideas! I have a few more posts started that I need to get around to finishing up!

  5. Looks like you all had great fun making these bubbles. I think I would enjoy it, too! Thanks for sharing at #LMMLinkup.

  6. These are great! Now, this is an art project that even I could do :) Thanks for showing us how!

    1. You're welcome and thanks for all the social media shares!

  7. How cute! I love that kids of different ages could do this one!


    1. Yeah, as long as they can trace they can participate!

  8. Those turned out great! Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!


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