52 Lists week #34: Random Facts About Me

This week's list was quite a challenge for me!  We were to: list random/quirky things about yourself.

Now it's not that I don't have many random/ quirky things to list it was more that I kept thinking what was worth including and what wasn't??

But when morning came I figured I had procrastinated long enough and just needed to start writing something down... so here it is:

1.  I have never liked any picture that has been taken of me.  I am hyper critical of every flaw that the camera shows.  Though years later looking back I usually think I looked pretty good. 
2.  I drink sweetened ice tea-- and LOTS of it every single day.  
3.  I can not stand coffee or hot tea or even mulled cider so I am left floundering in winter for drinks to warm me up.  
4.  Bananas make me gag (I can't even stand the smell of them!)
5.  I don't like marshmallows; at all.  
6.  I am a compulsive neat freak and like to have everything picked up and organized.  I have to fight myself not to keep picking everything up all day long... and yet I do not like to clean (vacuuming/ dusting). 
7.  I never have the same hairstyle for more than a few months.  In fact that profile picture above is no longer accurate; my hair is now so short it barely tucks behind my ears.
8.  I am an artist at heart.  I have done everything from painting to sewing to jewelry making to scrapbooking.  
9.  I lack confidence in myself and my abilities; always have too!
10.  I eat Popsicles; by that I mean I bite into them with my front teeth and happily chomp them down.  
11. I can not fall asleep if the house/room is dark and quiet.  I need ambient light and noise so I usually keep the TV on while I sleep.
12. I do not like animals/ pets unless they are in a zoo or far enough away from me not to rub up against me.  
13.  I am afraid of dogs.
14. I am petrified of heights.
15.  I have never smoked anything nor have I ever been drunk.  I could probably count the number of alcoholic drinks I've had this year on one hand.  
16.  I don't like crowds and find that this is something that is getting worse as I get older.
17.  I have never used an ATM machine
18.  I love, love, love to read... but don't enjoy reading non- fiction. 
19.  I am a control freak.  I actually get nervous and feel sick to my stomach when things are beyond my control.  
20.  I started dating my husband when I was 16.  

Others in this series:

Week #1;Words that Touch My Soul
Week #2: Greatest Comforts
Week #3: Things You Should Be Proud Of
Week #4: Current and Future Goals and Dreams
Week #5: What You Are Grateful For
Week #6: The Ways In Which You Can Love Others
Week #7: The Things That Make You Feel Healthy
Week #8: My Favorite Albums
Week #9: Places I Want to Go
Week #10: The Ways You Cleanse for Spring
Week #11: The Essentials
Week #12: The Things That Feel Like Home
Week #13: The Things I Want to Make
Week #14: My Dream Jobs
Week #15: My Favorite Quotes
Week #16: My Favorite Books
Week #17: The People I Admire
Week #18: The Ways That I am Energized 
Week #19: The Things I Want to be Known for
Week #20: My Summer Goals
Week #21: My Favorite Snacks
Week #22: The Things That Keep Me Up At Night
Week #23: My Pet Peeves
Week #24:  My Happiest Moments
Week #25: My Favorite Meals
Week #26: The Things I Carry In my Purse
Week #27: Trials that Make Me Better
Week #28: Things and Places That Make Me Feel Safe
Week #29: My Favorite Games
Week #30: The Sports I Watch or Play
Week #31: My August To Do List
Week #32: My Favorite Scents 
Week #33: My Favorite Places to Eat


  1. Fascinating list! Several of those things are very similar to me, too. The one I found most interesting was that you've never used an ATM.

    Visiting from the 52 Weeks linkup.

    1. LOL! I am so anti- technology. Really I just hardly use cash...

  2. Loved your list and I also share your fear of heights. Put me near a ledge and I freak out. Some escalators freak me out too because I feel like I'm going to fall backwards at any moment.

    ~Visiting from the 52 Lists linkup.

  3. I've also never used an ATM machine (or a debit card)! On the rare occasion that I need cash, I take what I need out of my husbands wallet.

    1. Me too! Hubby's wallet is my go to place for cash. Luckily he doesn't care.

    2. Me too! Hubby's wallet is my go to place for cash. Luckily he doesn't care.

  4. I'm fascinated that you've never used an ATM! That's pretty unique in today's world.

  5. As a former bank teller, half of me is shocked, and the other half of me, not so much. I hated servicing the ATM, and I hated how people relied on the ATM to balance their accounts (don't do that, by the way) but for some reason I never did mind to walk out and show someone how to activate a debit card or use the ATM. So I know there are people out there adverse to them, LOL!

    1. I can't say I'm anti ATM, I just have never felt the need to use one.

  6. Very unique that you haven't used an ATM :) I could probably count the number of alcoholic beverages I've had in all my life on my hands--and even then I can't remember that I've ever finished one -- just tasted, sipped. Great fun list!

    1. I can only finish an alcoholic drink if I can't taste the alcohol. :)


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