52 Lists Week #29; My Favorite Games

Today's list assignment; list your favorite games {board and/or apps} was a lot of fun.  We play TONS of games!  We have several shelves with games and there are so many that we use for schooling and learning.  I knew that if I wanted to list our favorite learning games I wouldn't even have to stop and think but to think of MY favorite games was a bit tougher.

I finally decided it had to be something I enjoyed playing and didn't mind playing over and over...

Here are my favorite games:

Words with Friends
Cookie Jam
Cradle of Rome 1 & 2
Big City Adventure: San Francisco
7 Wonders

Board Games:
Connect 4
Memory game (any version!)

But my favorite games aren't board games or video games they're Card Games! 
Crazy 8's
Kings corner
Gin Rummy

What are your favorite games?

Others in this series:

Week #1;Words that Touch My Soul
Week #2: Greatest Comforts
Week #3: Things You Should Be Proud Of
Week #4: Current and Future Goals and Dreams
Week #5: What You Are Grateful For
Week #6: The Ways In Which You Can Love Others
Week #7: The Things That Make You Feel Healthy
Week #8: My Favorite Albums
Week #9: Places I Want to Go
Week #10: The Ways You Cleanse for Spring
Week #11: The Essentials
Week #12: The Things That Feel Like Home
Week #13: The Things I Want to Make
Week #14: My Dream Jobs
Week #15: My Favorite Quotes
Week #16: My Favorite Books
Week #17: The People I Admire
Week #18: The Ways That I am Energized 
Week #19: The Things I Want to be Known for
Week #20: My Summer Goals
Week #21: My Favorite Snacks
Week #22: The Things That Keep Me Up At Night
Week #23: My Pet Peeves
Week #24:  My Happiest Moments
Week #25: My Favorite Meals
Week #26: The Things I Carry In my Purse
Week #27: Trials that Make Me Better
Week #28: Things and Places That Make Me Feel Safe


  1. We are really not board game players, although I do enjoy a game of Cluedo on occasion!

    1. I think I just few up playing games and continued that with my kids... I can remember visiting my aunt in North Carolina and playing Life with the WHOLE family. It was always so much fun.

  2. Yahtzee is one of my two favorite games. I force the kids to play with me all the time! I also like card games, like hearts and spoons.

    1. My oldest son was obsessed with Yahtzee at one time and we played constantly. He was so great at getting yahtzee; three times in one game! It's been a fun family game ever since and they get so much math practice in too.

  3. Clue and Rummikub! I haven't played those in so long I forgot about them, but they should definitely be on my list too!

    1. My older two are just learning how to play these so we play quite often.

  4. Great list of games. I love most card games. I miss playing twister but due to be pregnant I can't really bend down and get back up. Lol. I am looking forwarded to when Luke gets older so he can play these games as well. We have tons of them. Hope you have a wonderful evening.

    1. My boys LOVE twister (now that they're old enough to reach the other side of the board) and it's so much fun to play together but I can see where being pregnant would he a hindrance!

  5. I'm surprised to see two other bloggers listing Rummikub -- I didn't know there were that many people who knew about it. And I completely forgot to put Qwirkle on our list.

  6. I love top lay Cradle of Rome! And Twister and Yatzee bring back such wonderful childhood memories for me.

  7. Fun list - I used to really like Yahtzee too. We haven't played it in years.

  8. This list has my wheels spinning to plan a game night!

    I'm playing catch up on blog visits, but I really do love to stop by, visit, and read each list. Thank you for participating!

    1. I am finding it so hard to visit posts this summer; we're just so busy and on the go so much. Thanks for reading back! I plan to do that too as I get more free time. I enjoy reading what other's write and comparing all our lists.


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