Art Project #28- Tin Foil Art

We're really on a roll with our 100 Days of Art Challenge lately. We're trying to complete at least two art projects a week. The boys decided to try some tin foil art this week. We found two different tutorials on-line; one where yarn was glued to cardboard and another where glue guns were used. We decided go the glue gun route since we knew that would dry much quicker than the yarn/ glue. We used the front and backs from a few cereal boxes as our cardboard and the boys drew pictures and designs on their boards. Once they were happy with what they had I helped them trace over the lines using our low temp glue gun. Once the entire design was traced with the glue gun we wrapped the cardboard in tin foil and taped them to the back of the cardboard. We then pressed down lightly but firmly on the front side to make the designs show up. The boys used sharpie markers to color in their designs. They are all so unique and the tin foil ...