Weekly Recap: The Short Week Due to Memorial day

With my husband having Memorial day off on Monday we all had a nice short week this week.  We had a fun cookout over the weekend, a few sleepovers this week, and a belated anniversary celebration (without kids).  The boys and I are winding down many of our school books and falling back into our summer schedule.  We tend to do the bare minimum of schoolwork and spend lots of extra time outside playing and swimming.  With temperatures in the mid to upper 80's all week it sure did feel like summer has hit.

Reading: Alec read Life as a Ninja, Ancient Greece, A to Z Mysteries Detective Camp, and finished up Book 2 of Treasure Hunters.  He also picked up the next few books in the A to Z Myseteries and read Mayflower Treasure Hunt, White House White out, and Sleepy Hollow Sleepover.  Evan started reading Puppy Pirates, Stowaway!, National Geographic Penguins, finished another chapter in Miss Daisy is Crazy, and together we read Red; A Crayon's Story.  Ian worked on finishing up book 3 of Treasure Hunters so Alec can take it to read and started reading Mayflower Treasure Hunt. We started reading book 5 of the 39 Clues and finished up another CD in The Silver Chair.

Science:  We released our butterflies!

The boys helped me pick out plants and make up some planters with a variety of flowers. We learned about plant care, transplanting, and combining colors and textures to make balanced planters.

Making hanging baskets 

One of our finished planters 

The boys picked out all the flowers; and really loved this one
since it looked like it was one fire. 
We spent a bit of time at the pet store picking out new fish for Alec's tank and buying our cat a collar with a bell; this was very important to Evan since we've been reading about how many birds pets kill each year in all of our birding books. 

We read Birdsongs, A Place for Birds, and Butterfly House.  Alec read A Puffin's Year.   Evan and I read his Ranger Rick Jr. magazine learning all about dolphins and other animals.

Math:  Ian finished up 6 more pages in his percents books and started reading How to Turn $100 into a Million.  Alec worked on six pages in his math workbook & Evan completed six more in his clock book. The older two boys worked on two more pages in their Are You  A Math Genius? Books.

Spelling/ Writing/ Language Arts:  Alec and Ian finished up their cursive workbooks this week.  Each of the boys completed two more pages in each of their spelling workbooks. Evan completed a few more pages in his Minecraft activity book working with crossword and word search puzzles.

Art:  We made symmetry butterflies; pouring paint onto a paper and folding it in half.  It was so fun to see what colors they mixed up. (You can find directions here).

They also had a fun afternoon using liquid watercolors and squirt guns to paint some pictures. (Read about it here).

Physical Education:  The boys went swimming and tubing this week.  Alec tried very hard to learn how to flip into the water off the dock while Evan devoted an afternoon trying to master diving. We also played at the park, rode bikes and scooters, and they raged a few water gun fights too.

Evan practiced his handstands and flips!

Socialization:  We had a family cookout over memorial day weekend.  Evan got to sleepover his cousins' house.  We spent another day playing with the boys' cousins at our house and had one of them for a sleep over to return the favor.  The boys all had such a great time together that they even played together at the park another day.  


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  3. That sounds like such a fun week! I would love to hear more about your spelling work. We're in our summer schedule as well, but spelling is an area in which I know we need a little extra practice. I'm trying to find new ways to make it fun and not so "school." Minecraft books sound like something Little Man would love!

    1. We use the Thinking Tree Spelling books- between my three boys we have four different journals that we use. They enjoy the thinking tree books because there is a lot of coloring, copywork, and it's "easy." My youngest uses 100 words to read, write and spell. My older two both use the Spelling Time in conjunction with The Four Seasons spelling time and Fun Schooling Spelling Journal. Here is a link to a few of them; for some reason an Amazon search does not bring them all up but as you click on one more suggestions show up.http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=thinking+tree+spelling+

      I'll look through my blog and see if I can find some pictures of what the pages look like on the inside.

  4. I read this title and laughed. All week went something like, "it's Tuesday no it's Wednesday. Get in the car we're late."

    I am loving the hanging baskets! I always wish my boys were more industrial.

    1. Yeah we missed karate altogether; thinking Tuesday was Monday!

  5. We should do butterflies again. My little girls haven't raised them before. We recently made a butterfly craft using liquid watercolor and diffusing paper. I like your symmetry butterfly art!

  6. Lovely post. I had a look at your butterfly link - so good! We had what we thought was going to turn into a butterfly but it turned out to be a wasp.

    1. My boys found some "wild" caterpillars and asked about watching them turn into butterflies but I'm pretty sure those will end up being wasps too. I really have no idea how to tell the difference though.

  7. Happy belated anniversary! What a fun week of learning! Tubing in the water looks like it was a blast! Thanks so much for sharing your week with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)

    1. Thank you! The last 15 years sure have flown by!


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