Art Project #13; Water Gun Art

My kids thought we had the best art project EVER yesterday!

I had been promising them for a few years now that we'd use water guns for art class.  We tried a paint gun fight one year but after complaints of paint in the eye we had to stop and I had told them we could try it with paper one day.... but I kept putting it off.

 I figured our 100 days of art challenge was the perfect time to finally get to it.

I knew we needed a nice warm, sunny day to attempt this art project so that the boys would be outside and could jump in the lake for easy clean up.  Yesterday was bright and sunny and I thought; why not?  They've been asking to do this for a long time.

We dragged our easel outside, taped a piece of large watercolor paper to each side and found our water guns.  (We have these Nerf super soaker water guns).  I brought out our liquid watercolors and we set to work. (I bet this would work just as well with food coloring!).

First we tried just putting the liquid watercolors in the gun and shooting them for intense color but found that the watercolors leaked out and would not shoot out at all.

Then we tried adding some water to the guns while adding a bit more watercolor to them.  It worked perfectly!

Rather than wait for a turn at the easel, Alec set up in the driveway

Whenever they wanted to switch colors they'd clean out the gun, put some more water in and add some more watercolors.

I can't say their pictures came out beautiful.  I can't say we necessarily have something new we want to hang on our wall.  But that's OK.  We did see some neat patterns emerging, watched the colors mix, and learned that watercolors will overpower one another when they get too watery.

The art lesson was about the process of creating art and not the final product.  I think the boys really enjoyed the freedom of knowing they could't "mess up."

Once they all decided they were done we rinsed out the water guns, the boys jumped in the lake, and we set their paintings aside to dry.

I used the hose to wash up our easel and the surrounding area.  Clean up was pretty simple and the project didn't use up nearly as much as of our liquid watercolors as I had first feared.

Our other art projects:
Project 1: Painting with Hexbugs
Project 2: Tissue paper flowers
Project 3: Star Wars Crafts
Project 4: Watercolor compass circles
Project 5: Floral pens
Project 6: Watercolor outlines
Project 7: Scratch art jellyfish


  1. I think my boys would love This- thanks for the idea!

  2. What a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing. My boys may also thank you soon.

    1. I saw it on Pinterest (of course!) and knew we had to try it. As long as it involves some sort of weapon my boys are all for it!

  3. I found you through the Party at My Place Linkup. My son would think this is the best idea ever! We'll definitely give this a try this summer. I am already running low on ideas and it's only been a few days!! I can't wait to look through your other art project ideas.

    1. Glad I could help! I have a few other summer fun idea posts. I'll look through and link a few here for you to peruse.

    2. 75 More Things to do in Spring and Summer...

    3. 115 screen free activities to do around the house:

  4. I wish I would've thought of this when my boys were younger!! Maybe grandkids one day?!

  5. How fun is this. I want to try it. I bet your kiddos had a blast. Very creative idea. Thanks for sharing at my party today.

    1. I would have joined in if I wasn't wearing my regular clothes. I just stood far enough back that the ricochet didn't hit me.

  6. What a fun idea! I'm not sure my kids would stick with shooting the paper, though. haha Pinning!

    1. My kids had a full on paint war with water guns last year and soon realized that while it sounded fun paint does sting when it gets in the eyes. They were totally content to keep it on the paper this time. Thanks for the pin!

  7. This looks like a fun summer activity. I'll have to add it to our summer to do list. ;)

  8. I love this idea. Great way to have fun with art while working on fine motor skills.

  9. What a fun project!! I bet my big kids would love this just as much. Thanks for sharing it on the Virtual Fridge!

  10. Another cool outdoor activity. Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost I'm off to buy a water gun for my kiddos now. :D xx

  11. Replies
    1. It's a lot of fun (and of course they filled them water and turned it into a fight afterwards).


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