52 Lists: Week #23-- My Pet Peeves

I sat down to write this week's list: Your Pet Peeves and drew a blank.  I could not think of anything for the longest time.

Which is just silly because I feel like I have an over abundance of pet peeves.

I am a pretty exacting person.  I like everything in my life a certain way and little changes drive me nutty.

I like my house neat and cleaned with everything in it's place... and I have three kids so that NEVER happens!

Here are my biggest pet peeves:
  • Shoes left on the stairs; inevitably I trip over them and fall down the stairs
  • Empty containers that everyone puts back in the fridge, freezer or pantry
  • When I talk and no one listens.... 
  • New things (like couches, washing machines, etc) that just don't last anymore
  • Unmade beds; beds just have to be made
  • Clutter... clutter of any kind drives me nutty
  • Being late-- I HATE being late
  • Disorganization-- mostly mine but if we show up for an event I may bet a bit snippy when it's chaos
  • When someone has a problem with me and talks to everyone else about it instead of confronting me
I'm sure I've missed a bunch of them!

What are your biggest peeves?


  1. Empty containers in the fridge and cupboards make me crazy, too.

  2. We have a lot of common pet peeves! I sooo agree with you on the "new" things not lasting.

    1. It's so annoying. We had our new washing machine for two whole weeks before it started acting up. Ugh!

  3. Oh my..most of the list you have up there match mine :)

    1. Funny how many pet peeves we all have in common.

  4. I think you are my twin because each and every one of them I could have written. Especially the being late...in my top three.

  5. Inconsiderate people...definitely my biggest pet peeve. I'm trying to teach my kids to be aware of who's around them and be respectful of them.

    1. Yes! That is a biggie! We teach our children that too.

  6. I do not like being late...in fact I'm chronically EARLY

    1. Me too; in fact if we're on time I feel like we're late.

  7. What is it with empty containers in the fridge?! It will not refill itself. Agree so much with that (and didn't put it on my list!).

    1. I certainly got a lot of ideas about pet peeves I had forgotten from reading the lists of others!

  8. When I talk and no one listens... hahaha! They never told me that was to be the story of motherhood!

    1. Right?! Funny enough my middle son is the one who told me (over and over) that was one of my biggest pet peeves. I couldn't help but think that it was ironic he knew that and yet continues to not listen to me when I talk...


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