Weekly Recap: The Week We Celebrated Star Wars Day

We had a fun week filled with arts and crafts projects.  The weather has been miserable with lots  of rain, cloudy, dark days, and cold weather.  We've mostly been staying inside and our 100 Days of Art Challenge has helped keep us busy while having lots of fun together! We had a great time celebrating Star Wars day (May the 4th) and ended up making three different art projects that day!

Reading:  Evan read Lionel and Louise and Humphrey's Playful Puppy Problem. Alec read Crius and the Night of Fright and spent a morning reading Gameknight 999; Confronting the Dragon to Evan. Ian read a few more chapters in Treasure Hunters:Secrets of the Forbidden City . We finished up One False Note and began reading The Sword Thief.   We also listened to the Voyage of the Dawn Treader and started watching the movie to compare the two.

Art:  We made art with our Hexbugs (you can find all of these projects by clicking the 100 days of art link above).

Made Tissue paper flowers.

Made a bunch of Star Wars crafts.

Had fun painting with drawing compasses.

Language Arts: Evan and I read Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day learning about nouns and verbs and how they work together.  All three boys worked together to complete some Mad Libs; making sure they each got a turn to write, read, and answer. They all worked on two more pages in all their spelling journals.  They all spent a morning working on Star Wars word searches, word scrambles, rhyming word and alphabetizing pages in celebration of May the 4th (Star Wars day).  Evan completed another page in his Draw Write Now book/ journal.

Science:  Evan and I read A Polar Bear Journey learning more about the polar bears.  Alec and Evan read Over in a River; Flowing Out to the Sea and Alec read At Home with the Gopher Tortoise & Spoonbill Swamp. We received these caterpillars that we'll watch grow into butterflies; a fun project we do each year.  We also made it out for a nature hike/ walk and found a few signs of spring!  We noticed how green everything is starting to look and even found a few flowers tucked in along the sides of the streams.

Math:  Each of the boys completed two more pages in the Multiplication Games workbook.  They also each worked on two more pages in their math books most days this week.  We spent May 4th working on mystery coloring pages of BB8.

Physical Activity:  We finally made it back to karate this week!  The boys were so happy to get back at it all.  Evan has been practicing riding his bike and learning how to stand up while pedaling.  All three boys worked out with me in our basement lifting weights and learning how to build muscle.  We took an hour long walk to a local park and explored the trails too.

In the Kitchen:  We made a BB8 pizza in honor of May the 4th and the boys made cookie droids.  Alec cooked some ham steaks and rice pilaf for us one night this week while Ian made us all burgers and hot dogs another night.  Evan has been making us egg sandwiches for breakfast and happily makes scrambled eggs on his own.

 For Fun: Ian started working on a large puzzle on our dining room table and had some friends over to play.  All the boys ended up in the woods working on our fort and playing with remote control vehicles all throughout the house and the yard.

All in all it was another super fun week (with a whole lot of bickering thrown in!).  We're anxious for nice weather to arrive so we can get OUT of the house and enjoy being outside more.


  1. What a full week of activities--I love all the creativity! A few years ago we got caterpillars from Insect Lore as well and had such a fun time observing, learning and watching them grow.

    1. Thank you! I think this is our third year raising caterpillar; last year we also grew ladybugs from larvae. It's such a fun lesson.

  2. I love the star wars food. That is adorable. You all had tons of fun this week.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I'm pretty sure if I asked the boys that would be the highlight of their week!

  3. Looks like so many fun things went on this week! Thanks for linking with Collage Friday!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! We did have a lot of fun.

  4. You are so crafty! I'm jealous! It looks like you had a great week. I can't wait til the weather clears up, too. Ugh. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, I always wanted to be an art teacher so it was driving me nutty that we weren't doing any art. Hope you have a great weekend too.

  5. Very creative! My kids would love more playing with food around here. They did the Oreo phases of the moon at co op one year, and that was their favorite.

    1. Oh yes, we did Oreo moon phases too and they're still talking about that. I find food is a great motivator.

  6. How fun! I'm in love with the bb8 pizza.

    1. My kids thought he was pretty adorable... and tasty too!

  7. What a fun week of learning! The Hexbugs art looks so cool, and I love all the food crafts for the Star Wars characters! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)


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