52 Lists week # 18; The Ways That I am Energized

This week's list the ways you are energized was just perfect for me!

Lately I have been very energized!  

I have been energized around the house: 

  • I have cleaned every room of the house from top to bottom.  I have scrubbed windows, cleaned out drawers and closets and gotten rid of bags and bags of "stuff" that was just cluttering up the house.
  • I have washed all the sheets, blankets, dirty clothes, and even the couches.
  • I have started repainting rooms in our house, shopping for new household items, and rearranging furniture.  

I have been energized in schooling the boys:
  • We've been doing school each and every day.
  • I am throwing myself wholeheartedly into arts and crafts projects with them each day. 
  • We're planning fun themed days and field trips and projects and we're all excited.
I have been energized in spending time with the family:
  • We have been having so much fun going out to get ice cream, taking a trip to the movies and enjoying leisurely meals together.
  • I have plans to spend mother's day with my mother, sister and mother in law at a fun paint night event!
  • We planned our family vacation and booked our hotel room.  We've been happily talking about what we want to do, what we want to see, and what we want to pack. 
I have been energized to loose weight and be healthier:
  • I've been making a concerted effort to exercise each and every day (usually with the boys).
  • I'm drinking lots of water and eating a lot of vegetables.
  • I have started keeping a log/ record of what I'm eating each day and trying to make better choices. 
It may not feel like it yet but it is spring and the thought of warm weather, days outside, sunshine and the beach days keeps me going.  It's a time of year that I actually enjoy change and embrace it!

Others in this series:


  1. Okay you've now just energized me! Well done. Although it is Mother's Day weekend so enjoy a relaxing something and recharge. You will be the envy of all moms after they read this. Happy Mother's Day! Appreciate you visiting at my party today.

    1. Great! I will definitely relax and recharge this weekend. These energy spurts don't come around often so I make the most of them when they do!

  2. great tips indeed...looks like it is so easy to get energized on daily basis :)

    1. I find that my energy feeds on movement and projects. Once I realized that I found that if I wanted to feel motivated and energized I needed to tackle projects; big projects that would take days to finish so that I am motivated to keep on going.

  3. Your post sounds energizing! I'm enjoying the different approaches to energy charging from these lists this week :)

    1. Yes, everyone sure seemed to interpret the "assignment" differently and came up with some pretty neat lists this week.

  4. I'm not sure if I'm energized or tired just reading your awesome list! Thanks for linking up with Small Victories Sunday!


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