Books for Learning about France

My middle son is quite obsessed with France right now.

He just wrote all about France for his geography fair report and while I think we may have exhausted our library's list of books he's still quite eager to learn anything about it that he can.

Some of his favorite books for learning about France include:

Let's Go Hugo-- A cute story about a bird living in Paris who is afraid to fly until he meets a friend and together they finally go off exploring the city.

The Moon Was the Best-- Beautiful photographs and a short story showing the simple pleasures of Paris.

Minette's Feast-- a cute story about Julia Child and her cat, Minette.

A Walk in Paris-- Filled with tons of information this cute story takes the reader on a walk through Paris following a young girl and her grandpa.

The Mona Lisa Caper-- Based on a true event this book about the time the Mona Lisa was stolen!

Adele & Simon-- An adorable story about a sister and brother; while walking her brother home he looses pieces along the way as he's distracted by the sights and sounds of the city.

Paris In the Spring With Picasso -- A fast paced story about a soiree that really brings the art world to life.

The Cat Who Walked Across France-- A story about a cat who is taken to a new home after his owners dies; he soon starts working his way across France back to the home he once knew and loved.

Flat Stanley Worldwide Adventures; Framed in France-- We love Flat Stanley and all of his adventures and this book was no different.  

This is Paris-- Another series we just love!  This books takes readers through all the important buildings and monuments in Paris with lots of wonderful pictures. 

Do your children have any favorite books about France?


  1. This is awesome! My husband's side of the family is French, so this will make a wonderful unit study for us to learn more. Thanks for sharing!

  2. These look like some delightful books about France. We have had French exchange students in our home and I love to hear them talk. It's a beautiful language. Thanks for sharing with the #LMMLinkup!

    1. It really is! I love hearing french spoken aloud... even if I can't always understand what they are saying.

  3. We have several of these books in our personal collection fun reads and we learn as well
    come see us at

    1. I will definitely stop by and check out your blog. Thanks for visiting!


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