52 Lists Week # 17; The People I Admire

This week's list challenge: the people you admire immediately made me think of my mom. My thoughts soon turned to my mother in laws, my sister, my husband. Then they slowly went through most of my family and friends. I admire most of them . I admire different aspects of them all. I started writing .... (and deleted) this post multiple times. I missed my Thursday deadline.... something I've never done. I thought and stewed and wondered how best to approach this. I finally realized that what I admired most about my family and friends is what wonderful parents they all are! This parenting job is seriously tough but everyday I read about moms going off to work to provide the best life they can for their children. I read about moms who are giving up on their jobs to stay home with their children. I read about moms who are running from one job to the next job while stopping to grab a bite to eat in between hoping ...