Children's Audiobooks; Our families 10 Favorites.

We love audiobooks!

I had always shied away from audiobooks thinking that I would prefer to read the story myself.  I had no idea that audiobooks were more than just a reading of a book!

We finally tried audiobooks one day in the car because the boys were curious and picked them up off the shelf in the library.  It was magical! The car was silent.  There was no bickering or whining or fighting.  Within moments they were caught up in the story and by the end of our drive they wanted to sit in the car and listen to more of the story. 

Just like that we were hooked on audiobooks! 

We get most of our audiobooks through the library and we always have something we're listening to when we're in the car.  It's been a great way to expose my boys to more books and reading when we're busy and on the go.

Most audiobooks are read by actors and they are great fun to listen to.  The stories really come alive with different voices for the characters, music, and expression.

They are perfect for long car trips and we have found so many stories that appeal to us all.

There are so many great books to choose from out there.  Here are a few of our favorites:

1.  How to Train Your Dragon Series-- The sound effects really make this story come alive.  A young Viking boy and his pet dragon save their tribe over and over again in the most unusual ways.

2. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back So You Want to be a Jedi?-- This hilarious retelling of the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back has cute little snippets where the kids are encouraged to try out some Jedi training exercises; most of which could not be done in the car but my boys had no problems waiting until later to try them out.

3.  When Life Gives You OJ--A Funny story about a girl who is trying to convince her parents to buy her a dog.  Her grandfather decides if she pretends an empty bottle of OJ is a dog her parents will see she is responsible enough and eventually buy her one.  As you can imagine it is not easy to walk a jug!

4.  The Magic Tree House-- We listened to many of Jack and Annie's adventures on Cd.  They are read by the author and she, obviously, does a tremendous job making these stories come alive.

5. The Boxcar Children's Series-- These beloved books are just great in audiobook format.  We love hearing all about Benny, Violet, Henry and Jessie.

6.  The Chronicles of Narnia-- We are part way through this series right now.  We're listening to Prince Caspian and we have loved hearing all these stories so far.  There is no way I could have done justice to some of these accents.

7.  The Mouse and the Motorcycle series-- Complete with motorcycle sounds we loved this set of stories.

8.  Pain and the Great One-- This fun series was a great way to introduce my boys to Judy Blume; one of my favorite authors!

9.  The Heroes of Olympus-- With all six main characters and the various supporting characters all having their own voice it was an easy to follow story filled with adventure, intrigue and drama.

10. Science Fair-- One of our all time favorite books on CD! This hilariously silly story was really brought to life.  Our favorite part was the breathing of the character "Darth" (a crazy lunatic who thinks he's Darth Vader) and the accent of Gerdankle the Strong.

Does anyone in your family listen to audiobooks?


  1. My kids and I LOVE audiobooks! If you can find Homer Price and Centerberg Tales at your library you should give them a try. Such good stories and we loved them on tape because they sing in all the right places.

  2. Awesome selection! My son his a huge audio book fan! Thanks for a couple of new titles to present him with. Sharing!

  3. What a great list! We just started "The Mouse and the Motorcycle." I haven't read the "How to Train Your Dragon" books -- we'll have to give them a try.

    1. We loved The Mouse and the Motorcycle and just to warn you if you've watched the movies the How to Train Your Dragon books are vastly different. My boys were confused and a bit resistant at first but they soon fell in love with them.

  4. We love audiobooks and use them much of the time we are in the car.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It's a rare day that we don't have a book going in the car; usually it's only when we're waiting for one to come in on inter-library loan.

  5. Great list of audiobooks. We were listening often in the car and someone have gone back to radio. Need to dig up my sets again. Found you on #LiteracyMusingMondays.

    1. We usually take a break in between books (or series) and spend a good couple of weeks listening to music too. Unless I make the effort to request some new books on CD we can go pretty long between books without my realizing it.

  6. Thanks for some new ideas! We have loved "The Magic Tree House" series, and have listened to a few others, but this is great. Grandparents live 12 hours away, and that drive seems to get a little longer every time!
    Also, I tend to get carsick sometimes, which means I can't read out loud as much as I'd like.

  7. Great selection! Audio books are so much better than videos. They give kids a chance to use their imagination.


    1. Yes, I think so too. I find it keeps the car so quiet and yet gives us all something to talk about too.

  8. Love this! I just took a load of audiobooks from our local library to a family from church (they don't have access to our library). Their daughter is sick and only wants to be read to, but mama was growing a little weary! She messaged yesterday to say that her little patient had been listening since 6 a.m. Pinning this for the next time that kind of "care package" is needed! :) #FridayFrivolity

    1. What a sweet gesture and what a wonderful break for mom. My middle son has been getting Audiobooks from our library to listen to while coloring in his room when relaxing and I just love it.

  9. I can tell that these audio-books would be favorites of my boys, too! Great list!

  10. We haven't really got into audio books yet, but I think Ethan would love to hear "How to Train Your Dragon Series". I love that story too. :) x

    Thank you very much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

    1. We were pretty slow to find them too but have since discovered that there are many series where we like the Audio versions so much better. Many of the actors that read give each character a different voice (and with accents too!) and read with such expression that they really make the stories come to life.

  11. These are all great - I love the Narnia stories as a child and I still have my original books which I have given to my children. #FabFridayPost

    1. I had only ever read The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe so most of them were new to me. I have actually found a lot of great books by listening along with my boys while we're driving around. It's great.

  12. We have many overlapping faves in our home as you do in yours! It is a great way for everyone to enjoy a story, especially on long drives. Great list! #fabfridaypost xoxo

    1. Thank you! I do find them invaluable on long drives. It certainly keep the bickering to a minimum.


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