Thinking Tree for ME!

I have been watching my boys with envy as they break open their Thinking Tree books each day to color and have fun with their gel pens.  So I finally decided it was time to get my own journal.

Guess what?

I LOVE it!

I bought myself Homeschooling Handbook for Moms but I wasn't sure what to expect.

I have been homeschooling for over three years and didn't feel like I needed a handbook telling me how to homeschool and luckily this isn't like that at all!

There are pages for me to just color, pages for me to plan what books I'd like to read, pages for planning out meals and recipes.

My only problem has been trying to find the time to work on it!

I started working in my journal over the weekend and I was having a lot of fun.  I pictured myself sitting at the table with the boys working side by side.  I picked out my 9 books (OK 4; I could not find 9 and thought that sounded like a lot to try and squeeze into my day).

I sat down with them on Monday and managed to get one bird colored on my page before I was interrupted; by the millionth interruption I put my book away.

I thought perhaps I'd work on my book at night; the boys would still see me working but I would have more time to myself to complete the pages without them needing my help with their work.  But then I realized that I'd be ignoring my husband that way.

I did manage to pull out my journal one day this week when we finished school by noon and the boys all went to work on their own thing but then I felt bad that I wasn't cleaning, exercising, or doing laundry.
I'm excited to brainstorm fun schooling ideas and have some Math time of my own. 

As much as I love my book it's starting to feel like just one more thing to me to try and squeeze into my already busy day and I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it up.

I have hopes though; spring and summer usually find us with a much lighter load of schoolwork and I'm thinking if we ALL use Thinking Tree Journals for the summer we can all work together.  The self- guided journals should not require me to help the boys nearly as much as our traditional schoolwork and we should have plenty of time to work on them at our leisure.

Like these fun pages to do WITH the boys!  Watching a video and learning about World News 

I don't plan to just set my book on the shelf for the next few months though.  I do plan to keep at it but give myself grace on those days that I just can't get any pages done.


  1. It's the same for me as well. I thought I'd be working in my journal every, single, day but if I get to it once a week I call it good. I love coloring and adding verses to my pages or little quotes. Great review!

    Thank you for linking up!

    1. I forgot to add that some pages can take me days because of things I add to it. I also have several so I am not using just one.

      Lately my daughter and I have been taking walks to the coffee shop and I've been using that time to color.

    2. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  2. Yesterday I was looking at colouring books and thinking that I don't want just a colouring book, I want a planner or journal or something useful that is ALSO a colouring book. And then today I see this. :)

    1. So glad I could help; they have many varieties to choose from too and all different sizes. Mine is 81/2 x 11 but I know she makes purse size ones too.

  3. I was the same way. I used it every morning for a while, but I always think of what I "should" be doing.

    1. It's hard to carve out that additional "me" time.

  4. What a cool coloring book for homeschooling moms! That looks like a lot of fun.


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